A protest against the proposed job cuts at Reepham High School will be held outside the school on Broomhill Lane from 8–9 am on Wednesday 18 December.

This follows an announcement that the Synergy Multi Academy Trust, which runs 15 schools across Norfolk, plans to make 25 posts at the high school redundant, including 16 teachers.
An online petition that calls for a reversal of the planned job cuts has more than 1,150 signatures and a dedicated Facebook page has over 500 followers to date.
The proposed job cuts will be the topic of conversation on Teachers Talk Radio this evening (Tuesday 17 December) from 7.30–9 pm, including a representative from the National Education Union and anyone that wants to call in. Listen live HERE.
According to an organiser of the Stand With RHSC Teachers & Staff parent action group, meetings have been requested with local MPs, including Steffan Aquarone, Jerome Mayhew and Alice Macdonald.