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Solar farm planning update

Tuesday, July 9, 2024 - 20:55

On 19 June a “Request for an EIA Screening Opinion” was submitted to Broadland District Council (see planning application 2024/1790).

This means Albanwise Synergy are asking Broadland whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required, prior to submitting the planning application.

While in general an EIA is required for such a development if it is over 0.5 hectares, Albanwise have commissioned a detailed report from SLR Consulting, arguing that an EIA is not required.

Broadland have asked for input from a number of relevant bodies, with this phase of consultation closing on Friday 12 July.

Public comments can also be made directly to Broadland via the planning portal on its website. You will need to log in to leave a comment.

I would urge residents to consider whether it is advisable to miss out an EIA on this massive solar and battery farm, particularly given the brevity and limitation of the public consultation so far.

Please also note that this application is on the agenda for the Reepham Town Council Meeting at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 10 July at Stimpson’s Piece Pavilion, should anyone wish to attend.

Jacqui Wash, Whitwell Street

Solar farm consultation closing Wednesday 3 July

Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 08:58

A reminder that the consultation for the Pettywell Solar Farm finishes on Wednesday 3 July. Details and the form for submitting your comments can be found HERE.

We understand that the planning application for the solar farm will be submitted around Friday 5 July.

The proposed solar farm would be sited on 70 hectares of best and most versatile agricultural land, and be bounded by Marriott’s Way, Nowhere Lane, the B1145 and Whitwell Road. It would include a two-acre battery farm (technology yet to be decided).

It seems that a large proportion of Reepham residents are not aware of the proposed plan, and given that it covers an area larger than Reepham, it is important that the details are communicated as widely as possible so that everyone has an opportunity to comment.

Please therefore pass this information on to your neighbours and friends as soon as possible.

Jacqui Wash, Whitwell Street

Say ‘no’ to Pettywell solar farm

Monday, June 24, 2024 - 21:32

A Facebook page – “Say no to Pettywell Solar Farm” – has been set up for comments.

Hugh Ivins, Whitwell

Consultation event for solar farm at Pettywell

Friday, June 7, 2024 - 21:16

I have just received notice of a consultation event to be held at Whitwell Station from 4–7 pm on Wednesday 12 June.

The proposal is apparently for a 70-hectare solar farm south of Pettywell, which is huge, and should be of interest to everyone who lives in and around Reepham and who cares about the local environment.

For more details, email

Michael Crawley, Hackford Vale

Proposed solar farm

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - 17:11

I wonder if any of your readers have any information they would like to share regarding the proposal to build a solar power station on land to the west of Reepham.

The surveyors for the landowner, Albanwise, confirmed to me that they were surveying an area of 250 acres.

The area under active consideration lies between the B1145, Nowhere Lane and Marriott’s Way, to the north of Whitwell Hall.

If approved, the development would have a profound effect on the character of the area and its wildlife.

Care should be taken to minimise its impacts on the landscape and the environment.

Keith Bunn, Whitwell

Any news on Broomhill housing?

Monday, May 20, 2024 - 18:14

Does anyone know what is happening with the new housing development on Broomhill Lane?

I’m looking to move to Reepham in the next few years but can’t find any information on when these houses might be ready.

L. Williamson, Taverham

Residents misled over Broomhill development

Thursday, February 15, 2024 - 19:00

I recently moved from Reepham to be with my daughter, having spent many happy years in the town.

Last month I stayed with some friends in Reepham and read with interest your website.

When living in Reepham I attended a meeting in the town when the matter of the Broomhill Lane development was discussed.

There was lots of debate about the site and the agent for the landowner proposed a development of 120 properties with a good proportion being affordable.

The landowner was also going to provide land and construct a sports hall which would be used by the high school and general public if planning permission were given.

After reading your website and chatting to my friends, it seems that, since the developer Lovells have “got their hands” on the site, the whole thing has changed with many more properties being built, less affordable units and the school has to supply the land for the sports hall to which the developer is only making a contribution!

I think the people of Reepham have been badly misled by the greedy landowner.

If this goes ahead it will be a disaster for the wonderful town, especially with the traffic problems that will be caused adjacent to the school and on Townsend Corner.

I am sure Reepham needs more housing but there are many plots in the town which have not yet been built, including several just behind where I used to live on Crown Meadow.

Margaret Lines, Poole, Dorset

Mystery monolith for storage, not skiing

Monday, January 29, 2024 - 17:40

I’m led to believe by a farming friend that the “monolith” on Reepham Road (Your Letters: Mystery of the monolith, 15 January) is temporary storage of an agricultural product that will subsequently be transferred to the anaerobic digester plant near Taverham to produce green energy.

All good, then (not a ski slope).

John Griffin, Reepham

Mystery of the monolith

Monday, January 15, 2024 - 19:24

Thanks to the local fire crews for ridding the Norwich Road of the giant puddle.

But can anyone explain the nearby monolith near Alderford by the Reepham Road?

It’s huge, sometimes covered by some sort of fabric, which is regularly stripped off by the wind, and resembles the first tier of a step pyramid.

Steve Howard, Norwich

Stony Lane development does not count as additional housing

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 08:57

I read the article (Concerns over 25% increase in new housing, Reepham Life, 8 December 2023) on the proposed Greater Norwich Local Plan modifications for Reepham, in which I was quoted. I would like to add a further point.

In the third paragraph, the 15 two-bed bungalows at the Ash Tree Care Village development [off Stony Lane] are mentioned.

It is important to highlight that the whole development permitted in 2020 is in fact specifically described and conditioned in planning permission 20180963 as 15 “assisted” bungalows, 20 “assisted” flats and a 60-bed “care home”.

In other words under the Planning (Use Classes) Order this is a C2 (residential institutions) use and not a C3 (dwelling house) use, and therefore they are not available as market or affordable housing units.

In which case the GNLP allocation for REP2 [land at the former station yard] for 20 homes is a complete misnomer and they will now have to be found elsewhere in Reepham to make up the proposed 203 dwellings by 2038.

Hugh Ivins, Whitwell
