• What’s that caterpillar on my weeds?

    Thursday, July 20, 2023 - 11:24

    By Victoria Plum

    I found a plant with pretty, cut foliage early in the year and let it grow because I was uncertain about what it was. Then I began to suspect, and as the year went on I grew more sure.

    Just a few weeks ago the caterpillars convinced me that it is ragwort: lovely yellow flowers and attractive foliage and striking caterpillars as you can see in the photo.

    Cinnabar moth on ragwort in my garden. Photo: Tina Sutton

    In the shelter and good soil of my garden it has grown to four feet six inches tall, with many branches – a very handsome plant.

    When I kept horses I spent as many boring hours pulling ragwort out of my pastures as I spent setting up my mole traps.

    I did wreak war on the moles because, apart from the unstable ground that they create with their runs, the molehill soil makes an excellent seed bed. (At Hempton Green, Fakenham, I have seen keen old men harvesting the molehills with shovel and wheelbarrow for their own gardening purposes.)

    So I was keen to stop the ragwort seeds, which remain viable for 14 years, and other weeds too from proliferating on my land. I always had a bag of grass seed with me to throw onto the bare soil (the seed, not the bag).

    The point I am making here is that in certain circumstances I was keen to get rid of ragwort, but I am happy to let it grow in my garden because without it what would happen to the beautiful cinnabar moth?

    At this week’s Reepham & District Gardening Club meeting 45 people heard Paul Laurie from Bird Ventures in Holt tell us about the birds in our gardens; he has more than me.

    We enjoyed his clear photos and many interesting facts about the birds we see every day. For instance, siskins have tiny beaks that enable them to pull the seeds from larch cones, and they are so light that they can perch on but don’t break the brittle larch twigs.

    I have seen bramblings on Cawston Heath, just one or two, but Paul told us that in Slovakia there are estimated to be roosts of 70 million birds.

    The Romans brought little owls here with them because they were under the impression that they would be needed to hunt the cockroaches they thought proliferated in our grubby English houses.

    The significant loss of sparrows in the 1970s and 1980s was caused by the birds succumbing to cancer caused by the lead from petrol, so thank goodness my new three-litre 4x4 is diesel.

    We look forward to the next gardening club event on Tuesday 15 August, which is the summer show and social evening.

    We bring our entries in between 7 pm and 7.30 pm, then we all judge them (very democratic) and sit down with a drink and snacks and perhaps a quiz if we are lucky, and then applaud the winners who also get prizes as well as the glory. It’s light-hearted and fun. Do come.

  • Looking after our threatened hedgehogs

    Friday, June 23, 2023 - 15:38

    By Victoria Plum

    This month it was hedgehogs, an interesting talk for the Reepham & District Gardening Club from an engaging speaker, Jan Smith from Ryston Rachel’s Hedgehop Hotel, who reiterated what we all know.

    As we go about our daily lives, “using up” what the planet provides for us, tidying and neatening, we are destroying biodiversity.

    The fact that hedgehog numbers have declined from 30 million in the 1950s to 879,000 in 2020 (they are now on the red list of endangered species) says it all.

    We need to create hedgehog highways to allow them to forage two kilometres a night on average through our gardens and the surrounding area.

    Sadly, they cannot scale the six-foot fences we have around our houses to preserve our privacy and they cannot burrow through concrete gravel boards in the fences either; they need gaps.

    I’m guessing the old privet hedges we all used to have would have been much more hedgehog-friendly, enabling them to wander through and catch the beetles, caterpillars and invertebrates they favour.

    “No Mow May” is of course good for them because it encourages invertebrates that provide a good hedgehog dinner.

    But sadly, we forget to check for snoozing hedgehogs in the long grass when we strim in June as we “tidy up”: strimmer accidents are many and gory, and rarely survived by the poor little creatures.

    I am always delighted when my plants surprise me. I have a Sansevieria (Mother-in-Law's Tongue or Snake Plant) – it’s the variegated form and a handsome houseplant.

    Traditionally, it goes on forever with no care, even in the dark of a Victorian parlour. It is a survivor. It also purifies the air for us to help with our health and well-being.

    Mysterious spikes grew up, six in fact, and then opened to show a row of pretty, starry flowers with sweet honeydew on them, and a distinct and delightful lily-like fragrance surprised me further as I sat watching TV in the evening.

    My research shows that this rare, flowering event is an indicator of root crowding and of exposure to good light, which mine certainly has.

    Flowers have been rare on Sansevieria because their ability to survive in poor light has meant that traditionally we kept them in poor light, which deterred them from flowering.

    Above: Flowers on Sansevieria. Below: Queen of the Night cactus. Photos: Tina Sutton

    Another surprise is my Queen of the Night cactus, which has the most unpromising, tatty, strap-like leaves. However, this year I know why it’s worth putting up with the boring, ugly leaves.

    The plant is astonishing: long, fat buds develop and quickly open up to show a lemon-yellow, starry, elegant and highly scented flower.

    Join us next month on Tuesday 18 July at Reepham Town Hall, Church Street, to hear Paul Laurie from Bird Ventures in Holt tell us about “Birds of a Norfolk Garden”.

    Please remember the earlier start time of 7.30 pm, which allows a little more social interaction after the talk, which we all missed so much during the pandemic.

  • Update on parasitic hairworms

    Friday, June 9, 2023 - 14:05

    By Victoria Plum

    I have been impressed by the information flooding in re my photo of a “nematode” (Up the Garden Path, 19 May).

    I had never seen such a thing and nematode was the only name I could put to it, but in fact it turns out to be a hairworm.

    Nematomorpha are a phylum of parasitoid animals, superficially similar to nematode worms in morphology, hence the name.

    Most species range in size from 50–100 millimetres long, reaching two metres in extreme cases, and 1–3 millimetres in diameter.

    They parasitise small animals, for instance crickets and grasshoppers – not humans and not plants.

    It is said that their appearance is a portent of a thunderstorm.

  • Rethinking the water cycle

    Friday, May 19, 2023 - 10:00

    By Victoria Plum

    Well, the Reepham & District Gardening Club AGM was painless and took only five minutes for all business to be completed, leaving plenty of time to enjoy Fritha Waters’ interesting talk on her travails as a gardener.

    Her consideration for owners and their gardens and her acknowledgement of the eccentric emotional attachment we all feel for those things we grow was touching.

    We were all given our gardening club plug plant; this year it’s a petunia. The idea is that we tend these plants very, very carefully, then bring them to the summer show in August where the best – and possibly the worst – might win a prize.

    While moving my indoor plants this May to the great outdoors for the summer, something tiny, moving in the garden in a strange way, caught my eye.

    There was a tendril on a curled fern – it looked like the tendril on a white bryony or a sweet pea, but it clearly had a life of its own by the way it was moving. I had no idea what it could be.

    Then I realised it must be a nematode. I have never seen one before and have no idea which one this might be. Have you ever seen anything like this?

    Nematode on a fern. Photo: Tina Sutton

    The next day I found a leak under the kitchen sink, so I had to turn off the stopcock. So, until I could call a plumber, bearing in mind this was 3 a.m. on a Sunday morning, I had no water for the toilet, to clean my teeth, to make tea, to wash me or the dishes or vegetables for lunch.

    And it made me think, yet again, how dependent we are on being able to just turn on the tap, and how terribly wasteful we are with this truly vital resource.

    The most crucial equipment in my garden is my saucer collection to sit under my many pots and ensure that precious water is never wasted.

    Surely we need more than an apology from the water companies; we need a drastic rethink to the entire system because clearly it is mad to use good, treated drinking water to flush the loo.

    This week I enjoyed a walk at Blickling with Bob Leaney and the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society and the Norfolk Flora Group. We saw the magnificent, small-leaved limes, historically an intrinsic part of our woodlands, and still an indicator of ancient woodland.

    And we learnt the subtle differences between bluebell and Spanish bluebell and hybrids, common figwort and water figwort, hairy birch and silver birch, chickweed and sandwort, brome grass and barren brome grass, and many more. How fascinating it all was.

    Small-leaved limes in Blickling Estate park. Photo: Tina Sutton

    Next month’s gardening club meeting is about hedgehogs with Jan Smith in the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, on Tuesday 20 June. Please remember the start time is now 7.30 p.m.

  • Easy gardening with minimal intervention

    Friday, April 21, 2023 - 08:40

    I will certainly go to the Reepham & District Gardening Club plant sale on Saturday 13 May from 8.30 am in Reepham Market Place because, for the first time in a few years, there are gaps in my garden and I need new plants.

    This winter’s bad frosts have done for my gaura. I’ve carefully scraped the stems, but they really don’t show any signs of life. And there are other losses.

    I also got rid of an overgrown sophora, which was beautiful but just got too invasive for my small garden, and my “Petite Negra” fig tree: plenty of glossy leaves and elegant branches but never the beautiful, sun-warmed black figs straight from the garden – in 15 years I had only one!

    I always try to take along some plants for sale too as I have plenty of some things.

    When I was trying to get them established I never quite believed those who said that grape hyacinths are thugs (their leaves are so prolific they look like spaghetti), or even Allium christophii or primroses, but now my garden is swamped with them.

    Above: Grape hyacinths with their untidy "spaghetti" foliage. Below: Primroses that readily hybridise: the originals all came from gardening club raffle prizes. Photos: Tina Sutton

    It fascinates me to see which plants do well in my garden, which plants find themselves a choice niche to happily grow in.

    I’ve just found the corpse of a third Clematis armandii so must conclude that it doesn’t like my garden and it is therefore fruitless for me to buy yet another.

    I’m all for growing the easy things, those that will thrive in my conditions. What is the point of trying to change soil type or conditions to accommodate an alien species?

    “For the challenge,” I hear you say. Well, for me the challenge is to fit easy plants into the best slot in my garden to grow happily and healthily, with minimal intervention from me so I have time to sit and read the paper and drink tea.

    Next month’s gardening club meeting on Tuesday 16 May will start at 7.30 pm to accommodate the AGM, which unfortunately had to be cancelled in April.

    This will be followed at 7.45 pm with a talk by local gardener Fritha Waters. Please stay for tea and cake, and a chat with fellow garden lovers.

  • The mind-blowing world of plant reproduction

    Monday, March 27, 2023 - 17:28

    By Victoria Plum

    Next year’s list of speakers for the Reepham & District Gardening Club has been finalised, and we look forward to the annual general meeting – a necessary, and painless, event in any well-run club.

    At last we seem to be getting back to pre-pandemic normality. An early start at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 18 April, ensures there will be plenty of time to listen to Simon Partridge update us on what has been happening at How Hill, Ludham (where incidentally I saw my first swallowtail butterfly last year near the river) and then enjoy tea, coffee, cake and biscuits and chat amongst ourselves.

    The March talk was a fascinating saga on the development of plant life from the most basic bacteria several million years ago.

    Jim Payne of Walnut Tree Garden Nursery went on to describe the countless ways that plant life has evolved to find clever and cunning ways of reproducing and exploiting any avenue of possibility. The variety of plant reproductive activities was quite mind-blowing.

    He mentioned Kalanchoe daigremontiana (formally known as Bryophyllum daigremontianum), which produces seed from its flowers although viability is low.

    But it hedges its bets because around every leaf grows tiny clones of itself which drop to the ground with their little roots ready to grow.

    The shape and angled leaves of each plantlet is such that when rain drops down on them the weight of the droplets ensures the tiny plant stays the right way up, ready to grow.

    This strategy is so successful that you might know another name for it: “Mother of Thousands”.

    I’ve always been fascinated by this plant since a child. Fifteen years ago I was holidaying in Samos, Greece, where I found some growing in the garden of our accommodation.

    Our landlord kindly gave me a plant, with some leaf babies, and I secured it in a plastic lemonade bottle and smuggled it back to this country in my suitcase.

    Every year I let it grow big and let it flower, then when it gets tatty I discard it and bring on the babies for the next season.

    In the Saga magazine (some old person must have left it at my house by mistake) I see that we are advised to mow our grass infrequently, perhaps only every three to four weeks to allow the invertebrates to flourish.

    We now have a much better understanding of the connectivity of all life: biodiversity is the buzzword. Literally.

    If we have insects and flowers in our lawns, birds and other creatures will flourish.

    Pictured: Mother of Thousands – a flower that has been lovely for about two months, some of the leaflets on, and detached from, the leaves, and one baby plant with its well-established roots. Photo: Tina Sutton

  • Get on top of your ‘Rambling Rector’

    Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - 21:15

    By Victoria Plum

    My parents-in-law, growing up in Great Yarmouth between the wars, say that medlars (having been “bletted”, incidentally a Norfolk term) were a great treat around Christmas time.

    Some of us sampled medlars and the associated medlar jelly made by Jane Steward of Eastgate Larder, our speaker at the Reepham & District Gardening Club meeting this month.

    In an interesting talk she explained the history of the tree and fruit, which she described as “our forgotten fruit”.

    Henry VIII was a fan of the medlar; sweet fruit would have been popular in early times when our diet would have been much plainer than it is now.

    I’ve finally got on top of my “Rambling Rector”; my son gave me two of these fabulous roses about 15 years ago.

    When my children were small I trained them to spurn the miniature or dwarfing stock varieties of anything as we looked around the nursery plants because we had a huge garden surrounded by fields.

    Our roses sprawled and arched beautifully and rewarded us with a glorious show, but since moving to a smaller house and garden I have much less room.

    So, my now-grown-up son, remembering my enthusiasm for scale, kindly gave me two large pots of trouble!

    One I sent away with friends to live in Wales (lots of room there) and the other I have tried to keep under control at the far end of this garden, and every year I have cut and cut and cut it back.

    The flowers have been lovely, but not lovely enough to compensate for the scratches and scars on the postman, me, the neighbours and grandchildren from those terrible backward-facing thorns designed to grab hold indiscriminately of anything within a 20-metre radius.

    Rambling Rector root – far too big to put in a pot. Photo: Tina Sutton

    I mentioned to some friends this difficult digging job (it took me three good sessions to get it out) and asked if anyone wanted the rose (I hate to discard any viable plant).

    Luckily, one of my friends texted her daughter and she wanted it. So my Rambling Rector has gone to London, to live and hopefully flourish in a rectory garden in Marylebone with her daughter who, coincidentally, is a rector.

    Hating to discard viable plants, as I just said, I have been potting up any surplus ready for the gardening club plant sale on Saturday 13 May. Unusual plants are welcome, but everyday plants also find a new home easily.

    Next month join us at the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, on Tuesday 21 March at 7.45 pm to learn about “The Secret Life of Plants” with Jim Payne from Walnut Tree Garden Nursery.

  • A winter garden of surprises

    Thursday, January 19, 2023 - 17:22

    By Victoria Plum

    The weather has been so wet and inhospitable that I have barely seen my garden for months. But there are always surprises somewhere.

    In my conservatory, plants are flowering, such as a Crassula ovata “Blue Haze” (protect from frost it says on the label), which I bought from RHS Hampton Court Flower Show, where I went by coach on a very hot day about four years ago.

    I won’t do that again: the coach park was a good 20-minute fast walk from the entrance. The elderly and ailing people, trudging back to the coach carrying their bags of booty, desperate to get themselves home, was a sight to behold.

    The Crassula was small and when it refused to grow at home – it just didn’t move – I investigated and found that the roots, such as they were, were constrained by one of those little bags, a bit like a fat teabag that growers use to aid growth and handling of tiny plants.

    The bag was just too hard and made a barrier so that the roots could not break through. So I cut it away to free up the roots and allow them to make the most of my delicious compost, which they did.


    Crassula ovata “Blue Haze”. Photo: Tina Sutton


    This is the first time it has flowered and it really is a pretty plant with beautiful undulating leaves and delicate flowers.

    I have another Crassula (nameless), which has sent up long stems and also produced pretty flowers, and an Aloe with a great big flower bud getting ready to burst.


    Aloe arborescens with a flower bud growing about half a centimetre a day. Photo: Tina Sutton


    This week’s Reepham & District Gardening Club meeting was enjoyed by a good number of members, despite the weather being extremely cold.

    Chris Bell spoke on climate change and explained how global warming would affect us.

    Next month on Tuesday 21 February we expect to learn about “The Wonderful Medlar”, so join us in the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, from 7.30 pm, with tea, coffee and cake and biscuits, and a chat afterwards.

  • Why we always talk about the weather

    Monday, December 19, 2022 - 17:25

    By Victoria Plum

    Foreigners wonder why we British always talk about the weather. The reason is because it is always changing.

    A Canadian friend was mocking our discomfort at the latest cold snap, but we just aren’t used to it. Can you believe that events this year, and not just Reepham & District Gardening Club events, were cancelled due to extreme heat and extreme cold?

    To discourage “soft growth” I had been thinking that during this winter I would be a bit harder on my succulents.

    Whereas I would normally water every week or fortnightly through the winter I have not watered at all since bringing them indoors from my outdoor benches in late September and October.

    They were already fairly dry when the cold struck, so that with my emergency heater (annoyingly) not working in the conservatory I ensured the dehumidifier was on.

    The temperature did go below freezing, but since I (very idly) did not go downstairs in the coldest part of the night in my nightdress to check, I am not sure how far below it went.

    Above: A  Norfolk-bred aloe growing outside my conservatory this week, notice the ice and ladybird. (The other succulents are inside the conservatory.) Below: Another shot of the same plant. It has survived frosts before. Time will tell if it does again.  Photos: Tina Sutton

    What I have been remembering is the talk from Richard Clark of Panache Plants (he was previously a geography teacher and so had a particular knowledge of weather effects and conditions) when he explained how many interesting plants could cope with cold weather if they were not sitting in the wet (he was on a mission to encourage us to grow more exotic and unusual perennials).

    I bought some ginger lilies from him that do well outside. I always remove their water saucers in the winter and prop the pots on champagne corks to ensure they drain.

    If you think about it, many of our favourite plants come from countries with extreme temperatures but little rainfall, so we have to learn to accommodate them in our damp climate. You only have to watch a cowboy film to see that this is true.

    Over the years we have enjoyed a wealth of talks on many subjects at the gardening club (I mention a few just to give you an idea of the variety).

    We learnt about local fungus, the Victorian language of flowers, saffron, lavender, insects, mole-catching, the history of the sweet pea, walled gardens, ancient garden implements (which included a game show), archaeological discoveries, topiary, alpines, garden design, peregrines at the Cathedral, plant propagation and more.

    I wonder what interesting talks are planned for next year?

    More on the weather at next month’s meeting when Chris Bell, BBC Look East weather presenter, will talk to us about climate change.

    Join us at Reepham Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, at 7.45 pm on Tuesday 17 January. There will be a raffle, tea, coffee, cake and biscuits.

    Merry Christmas, and a healthy and worry-free New Year.

  • The evolution of Bressingham Gardens

    Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 19:01

    By Victoria Plum

    At the November meeting of the Reepham & District Gardening Club we were treated to the story of how Erica Vaccari travelled from Italy with her bicycle and secateurs to Bressingham to help out just as the Covid lockdown happened – and she is still there!

    We’ve all visited the gardens and steam museum in the past and heard the history of how Alan Bloom sought land for a new garden which brought him to Bressingham in 1953 (I remember the photograph of the walled garden with about a quarter acre of rhubarb growing), where he bred perennials and started a nursery to sell them.

    He established beds to enable him to assess the worth of his new varieties and these are now a “curated garden”. Erica explained this concept, which was completely new to me.

    The plants are immaculately cared for, deadheaded and cut back in October, all of which ensures no unintended hybridising, and the plants remain as initially intended, some unique to this place.

    As a foil to the colourful summer show of the perennials Alan’s son Adrian grew many sorts of dwarf conifers.

    I inherited a garden at Saxthorpe with three dwarf conifers in the front garden – they were no longer dwarf. They had grown and grown, which is of course what Adrian Bloom discovered at Bressingham over a few decades. This gave him the opportunity to prune, clip and attack these trees and experiment with them to add structure and style to the gardens.

    Gardens are always evolving and it seems that Bressingham is entering a new period of regeneration and rejuvenation.

    New ventures are afoot, such as holiday lets, glamping, a wedding venue, cut flowers – all with the aim of supporting the gardens. A gardening club trip is planned for next year.

    Meanwhile, buy your essential mistletoe from the gardening club at the Reepham Festival of Light in the Market Place on the afternoon of 4 December.

    And join us for the Reepham & District Gardening Club Christmas party in the Town Hall, Church Street, at 7 pm on Tuesday 13 December.

    Please bring a small plate of finger food to share and consider creating a table decoration for which a prize can be had. There will be a quiz (hooray!), a raffle and entertainment.

    Into the New Year (I can’t quite think where this year has gone) on Tuesday 17 January when Chris Bell will talk to us about climate change at 7.45 pm in the Town Hall.
