• CCTV camera to be installed to combat anti-social behaviour

    Monday, October 3, 2022 - 15:39

    Reepham Town Council apologises for the closure of the public toilets in Pudding Pie Alley but, due to frequent vandalism, which appears to be due to the same person or persons, it was left with no option until security measures could be put into place.

    At its meeting on 28 September the town council agreed to install CCTV to monitor the entrance to the toilets, which will be installed in the next week or so.

    Meanwhile, following the passing to the police of CCTV footage of criminal damage at Stimpson’s Piece, those responsible for the damage and anti-social behaviour have been identified and are being dealt with by the police. The town council would like to thank Reepham High School for its assistance in this matter.

    Highways matters

    Following requests to Norfolk Highways, the town council is pleased to report that the following work has been carried out:

    • road markings in Norwich Road, between Bircham Road and The Moor, in the form of “SLOW” markings on the carriageway and signs warning motorists of the possibility of pedestrians in the road;
    • repairs to the damaged barriers outside the Co-op and the Cutting Station;
    • chevrons on the churchyard wall and white lines along the carriageway edge.

    The town council is also lobbying Norfolk Highways to:

    • reinstate the crossing patrol person outside the primary school and/or install a zebra crossing;
    • extend the 20 mph limit in Norwich Road to the junction with The Moor;
    • restrict heavy goods vehicles from using Market Place, Church Hill and Norwich Road as far as the junction with Bircham Road, except for access;
    • restrict heavy vehicles from using Orchard Lane (which runs from The Moor to Cawston Road) and the introduction of measures to slow the traffic. The possibility of seeking a road closure order to prevent vehicles using this road from after 1 Orchard Lane to Cawston Road is also under consideration. The road would still be accessible to pedestrians and cyclists.


    Stimpson’s Piece

    Following the move of the nursery school to the primary school, the town council, as the trustee of Stimpson’s Piece, is extending the use of the pavilion to various community groups, including a part-time café, dodgeball sessions, exercise classes for older people and baby massage sessions.

    The establishment of a “community fridge” to reduce food waste and a “warm space” in the winter for those who may not be able to heat their houses during the day is also being organised.

    Council vacancies

    Reepham Town Council currently has three vacancies. If you would like to support your local community and be involved in decisions that affect the community as a councillor, please contact the town clerk on 01603 873355 or email clerk@reephamtowncouncil.org.uk

  • Greater respect needed for town’s recreation ground

    Monday, April 25, 2022 - 18:15

    Stimpson’s Piece was given in trust to the Stimpson’s Piece Charitable Trust by the Stimpson family to ensure that it was used as a place of recreation and enjoyment by residents of Reepham. It is good to see so many people using it in that way.

    Unfortunately, there are a few people who do not show the respect and care shown by most users. This is leading to increased expenditure by the charitable trust, which relies on lettings of the pavilion and donations for its income, aided by grants from the town council.

    In the past three weeks members of the trust have become aware of the following:

    • Youngsters aged 12–20 jumping on and deliberately trying to break the equipment in the toddler area.
    • Dogs on the football pitches and in the toddler play area.
    • Adults using the swings, including those in the toddler area, while their child is using the one next to them.
    • Members of the public “turning a blind eye” to anti-social behaviour even though this can be reported in confidence to the town clerk (01603 873355 or email).
    • Youngsters climbing on the roof of the youth shelter then tearing down the signs, which, for safety and insurance reasons, warn people not to climb on the roof.
    • Offensive graffiti being added to the youth shelter.
    • Youngsters on motorcycles doing “wheelies” in the car park, which damages the surface and is a danger to other users.
    • Attempts being made to break and turn over the litter bins.
    • Youngsters disturbing lettings in the pavilion by banging on the windows.


    We have video footage of some of the incidents, which has been passed to the police and will, no doubt, be followed up.

    This sort of behaviour is spoiling the reputation of Reepham and the quality of life of its residents.

    The trustees have spent considerable sums of money improving the seating and play equipment at Stimpson’s Piece but repairs are eating into funds intended for further improvements so this sort of behaviour is calling into question whether this expenditure is worthwhile.

    Highways matters

    The town council continues to lobby Norfolk Highways to improve road safety in Reepham.

    As a result, the steep slope on the footpath between Bircham Road and Ollands Road now has a safety handrail, and a white carriageway marker line has been painted to encourage drivers to keep well away from the churchyard wall.

    The council has also been promised that more chevrons will be fitted to the churchyard wall, and signs, warning drivers of pedestrians on the road, will be installed on Norwich Road between the entrance to the footpath to New Road and the junction with The Moor.

    The town council is also pushing for large vehicles to be banned from using the Market Place, except for access, and for the 20 mph speed limit to be extended along Norwich Road as far as the junction with The Moor.

    Charity clothing banks

    Broadland District Council is now collecting clothing as part of its kerbside collection service.

    However, the town council is concerned that this will reduce income for those charities that have clothing banks, such as at the fire station and air ambulance at Stimpson’s Piece, and also reduce income to the town council from the clothing bank in the Station Road car park, which is used to provide grants to local organisations.

    If you are able to do so, please support the charities and local organisations by placing them in a clothing bank.

    Similarly, income from bottle banks also helps local organisations.

    Council vacancies

    The town council currently has two vacancies. If you would like to support your local community by joining the council, please contact the town clerk (01603 873355 or email).

  • Road safety issues raised with county highways engineer

    Thursday, March 24, 2022 - 15:35

    The town council and a number of residents continue to be concerned about aspects of road safety and damage to property caused by large vehicles coming through Reepham.

    This was exemplified when a large articulated lorry became wedged around the bend by the church in Norwich Road recently, damaging the wall of the Old Rectory. The church wall on the same corner has also been damaged on a number of occasions.

    The chairman of Reepham Town Council, Cllr Paul Mitchell, county councillor for Reepham Cllr Greg Peck and the town clerk have met with the Norfolk County Council highways engineer to discuss the concerns of residents and councillors.

    During the meeting it was explained to the engineer that both the size of vehicles and speeds are matters of concern.

    It was agreed that “Pedestrians in Road” signs and “SLOW” road markings will be installed on Norwich Road between the access to the footpath to New Road and the junction with The Moor.

    Additional bollards have been erected outside Victoria House on Norwich Road and it is hoped that these will protect the property.

    The engineer was also asked if a prohibition of heavy goods and other large vehicles through the Market Place, Church Hill and Norwich Road, as far as the junction with Bircham Road, (except for access) would be possible, as the road close to the church is obviously not suitable for large vehicles.

    Bawdeswell unease

    A councillor from Bawdeswell Parish Council attended the recent Reepham Town Council meeting as Bawdeswell also has concerns about the use of the B1145 by heavy vehicles.

    There is already an advisory sign on the A1067 in Bawdeswell stating that the B1145 through Reepham is not suitable for large vehicles.

    Speed limits

    Monitoring by the police of speeds on Norwich Road indicated that most vehicles adhered to the 30 mph limit or were not sufficiently over the limit to lead to a prosecution.

    However, given the lack of a footpath and the bend in the road, the town council and some residents feel that the current 30 mph limit is too high.

    The highways engineer was asked if it would be possible to extend the 20 mph speed limit along Norwich Road to the junction with The Moor, as pedestrians use this narrow stretch of road. The town council awaits his response but will continue to pursue this option.

    Police priorities

    The town council chairman and district councillor Stuart Beadle attended the police priority setting meeting on 7 March. Priorities for this month include tackling anti-social behaviour and telephone cable theft.

    The police have advised that, if you live outside Reepham and your internet and telephone stop working, you should check with your neighbours and if they have the same issue, contact the police on 101 to report this as it could be due to cable theft.

    Also, if you are out and about in the late evening or night and see workmen on the side of the road, particularly if they do not have any traffic control system in place, the police would like to know.

    Platinum Jubilee activities

    Good progress is being made in planning a range of activities to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen on Saturday 4 June and Sunday 5 June.

    Currently, plans include camping and entertainment at Stimpson’s Piece on the Saturday and, on the Sunday, a pageant in which people will be asked to dress in clothes appropriate to one of the seven decades of the Queen’s reign, a celebratory service and street party in the Market Place, and a family picnic at Stimpson’s Piece.

    The success of these events will be dependent on the help, support and participation by the community.

    If you are able to help in any way on either day, but particularly on the Sunday, the town clerk would love to hear from you.

    And if you have any ideas of ways in which Reepham could be improved or would like to fill the one remaining vacancy on the town council in order to help the community, please contact the town clerk by telephone 01603 873355 or email.

    Annual Town Meeting

    This year’s Annual Town Meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, on Wednesday 13 April at 7.30 pm (prior to the town council meeting. Following a statement by the town council chairman there will be an opportunity for residents to raise concerns about local issues. This meeting is open to the public and press.

  • Platinum Jubilee plans take shape

    Friday, February 11, 2022 - 14:42

    Reepham Town Council is working with the Bircham Centre, Reepham & District Rotary Club, Reepham Lions, Reepham WI and other local organisations to plan a number of events during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend.

    Current provisional plans include a street party for up to 250 people in the Market Place during the afternoon of Sunday 5 June, overnight camping for families on Stimpson’s Piece on the evening of Saturday 4 June followed by a Picnic in the Park on the afternoon of Sunday 5 June.

    A pageant parade from Stimpson’s Piece to St Mary’s for a Jubilee Service is being planned by the church for the morning of Sunday 5 June.

    Get involved

    If you represent a Reepham organisation that would like to become involved in these celebrations you are welcome to attend the next planning meeting, which will take place at the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, on Wednesday 16 February at 7 pm, or contact the town clerk on 01603 873355 or by email.

    All of this does, of course, require helpers. If you or anyone else has any ideas or feels that they could help in some way prior to and on 5 June, please contact the town clerk, Kirsty Cotgrove (details above).

    The success of these events will be dependent on the help, support, involvement and participation by the community.

    Public toilets

    Following the serious criminal damage to the public toilets last Sunday (6 February), Reepham Town Council would like to thank the community-spirited people who provided information via the website and, confidentially, to the town clerk.

    As a result of this information and excellent, determined police work by our local police officer, PC Colin Bailey, those responsible have been identified.

    The matter is now in the hands of the police. The toilets will be repaired and reopened as soon as possible.

    Road safety

    The town council is continuing to lobby Norfolk County Council to take action on road safety matters in Reepham, especially in relation to Norwich Road, School Road and Nowhere Lane.

    The council is also closely monitoring the potential impact of the wind farm cable routes on Reepham, which could include construction traffic using the B1145 Station Road/Dereham Road junction, which is currently signposted as being unsuitable for heavy vehicles.

    New town councillors

    Councillors were delighted to co-opt Binks Neate-Evans and Sian Dilley to the town council as new councillors, which brings the membership to the town council to 11; one vacancy remains.

    The town council is keen to co-opt someone with business experience. If you feel that you have relevant experience and could spare 3–4 hours a month we would love to hear from you.

  • Residents’ concerns about traffic issues

    Thursday, January 6, 2022 - 10:18

    The town council has received a number of emails from residents expressing concerns about traffic issues in Reepham. These include speeding, damage to buildings on Norwich Road and vehicles colliding with the church wall.

    Highways matters are the responsibility of Norfolk County Council but, as detailed in previous editions of “Your Council Matters”, the town council can make representations to Norfolk Highways.

    At the forthcoming Reepham Town Council meeting, which will take place on 12 January at 7.30 pm in the town hall, time has been allocated on the agenda for councillors to hear residents’ views about traffic in Reepham.

    Perhaps even more importantly, councillors would like to hear any suggestions or ideas as to how traffic flow through the town could be improved.

    Incidents of vandalism

    There is little doubt that Reepham is a pleasant place to live. However, there seems to be a small group of individuals who are determined to cause damage to the facilities that the town council provides for the community.

    Following previous incidents of vandalism and anti-social behaviour, on 21 December a significant amount of damage was done to the public toilets in Pudding Pie Alley. This included smashing wall tiles, ripping the architrave from the doors and damaging the windows.

    Between Christmas and the New Year litter bins were overturned on Stimpson’s Piece.

    As a small community we should be able to identify those responsible. If you have any information, please inform the police or speak with the town clerk in confidence.

    Platinum Jubilee celebrations

    The town council is currently co-ordinating arrangements for the celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022.

    A number of local organisations are working together to plan the celebrations and the next meeting of this group is at Stimpson’s Piece pavilion on Wednesday 19 January at 7 pm.

    Any organisation that wishes to become involved is welcome to send a representative or any individual who would like to help is also welcome to attend but please notify the clerk (contact details below).

    Hall for hire

    The main hall at the pavilion at Stimpson’s Piece has been redecorated and the building is available for hire.

    If you would like to view the building, without obligation, prior to a possible hire, please contact the town clerk by telephone 01603 873355 or email clerk@reephamtowncouncil.co.uk

  • Town council to monitor impact of wind farm cable routes

    Wednesday, November 24, 2021 - 19:30

    Reepham Town Council, supported by County Councillor Greg Peck, is continuing to push for various improvements to paths and roads within Reepham.

    Following the meeting with Norfolk Highways, which was described in detail in the last Your Council Matters (1 October 2021), the town council has been informed that a handrail will be fitted on the sloping section of path between Bircham Road and Ollands Road by the end of January.

    Although our previous dealings with Norfolk Highways does not lead to optimism, we continue to push for this work to be done before Christmas.

    Onshore cable corridors

    While the town council is fully supportive of renewable energy, it is continuing to monitor closely the impact of the proposed onshore cable routes on Reepham.

    The Vattenfall and Ørsted offshore wind farms, situated off the north Norfolk coast, plan to have their service centres at Oulton airfield.

    They plan to construct cable corridors that will connect the wind farms to two National Grid substations, one between Swardeston and Stoke Holy Cross, south of Norwich, and one at Necton.

    The town council has been informed that the construction of these corridors would mean up to 424 vehicle movements every working day through Cawston, from 7 am – 7 pm, Monday to Friday, and for 10 hours on Saturdays.

    We have been assured by Vattenfall that construction traffic will not come through Reepham, but there will almost certainly be road closures around Reepham, which will affect vehicles coming to and from the town. It is also possible that many workers’ transport and delivery vehicles will be coming through the town.

    Following a consultation letter, the town clerk wrote to Ørsted regarding the impact of its work on Reepham. Ørsted confirmed that some of its traffic will travel down Station Road then turn right on the B1145 towards Dereham. She has asked if this will include HGV traffic but has not yet received a reply.

    Platinum Jubilee plans

    The town council is currently co-ordinating arrangements for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022.

    A number of Reepham-based organisations attended an initial meeting on 6 October, which established working groups to look at various aspects of the celebrations; the group plans to meet regularly over the next few months.

    Any organisation that wishes to become involved is welcome to send a representative and any individual who would like to help is also welcome to attend, but please notify the clerk (contact details below).

    Churchyard walls

    The town council is responsible for the maintenance of the churchyard walls, parts of which are in a poor state of repair and one part of which has been hit, yet again, by a vehicle. A working group of councillors is currently investigating the extent of the repairs required and the costs of these.

    Council vacancies

    Reepham Town Council now has nine members, but there are three vacancies. If you have some time to spare and would like to contribute to the work of the town council, which is responsible for a wide range of facilities and provision for the public in Reepham, we would love to hear from you.

    The town council can be contacted by telephone 01603 873355 or email.

    Minutes of council meetings can be found on the website.

  • County council to act on road safety concerns

    Friday, October 1, 2021 - 10:49

    A number of residents have contacted the town council recently to express their growing concerns about road safety in various parts of the town.

    In response to this, County Councillor Greg Peck and chairman of the town council, Paul Mitchell, met with an officer from Norfolk Highways to look at the problem areas at first hand.

    Photo: Reepham Community Press

    Following the meeting we were assured that the following actions will be taken:

    • A handrail will be installed on the steep slope at the Bircham Road end of the path (above) that runs from Bircham Road to Ollands Road and, if possible, other steps will be taken to make the path safer.
    • A row of large wooden bollards will be put in place around the churchyard wall on the sharp bend in Norwich Road at the junction with Church Street and Church Hill to prevent further damage to the wall.
    • Road signs, warning of pedestrians in the road, will be installed at either end of the bend in Norwich Road from approximately opposite the disused graveyard to the junction with The Moor.
    • Vegetation will be removed from the kerbside in Bircham Road and from around the churchyard wall.


    Highways have also been asked to take in action to clear the ditches and drains to stop water flowing on to Norwich Road between the junction with The Moor and the bridge at Booton.

    The town council has previously written to Norfolk Highways expressing its concern about road safety in Nowhere Lane and Whitwell Road and asking if these roads could be seen as a local priority for the improvement of road safety.

    Table-top sale

    There will be a table-top sale at Stimpson’s Piece Pavilion on Sunday 17 October from 10 am – 4 pm in aid of the Stimpson’s Piece Charity, which maintains and cares for Stimpson’s Piece.

    Here is a chance to sell your own domestic items that you no longer need, such as toys, books, CDs, bric-à-brac, clothing, etc. – but not food.

    To book a table (£5 charge) please contact the town clerk (details below).

    Reepham Town Council can be contacted by telephone 01603 873355 or email.

  • Senseless acts of antisocial behaviour show lack of respect for community

    Thursday, August 19, 2021 - 20:05

    Reepham Town Council would like to thank the many community-minded residents who go out of their way to keep Reepham tidy and help the council in its work.

    In particular, our thanks go to those people who voluntarily pick up litter and keep the council informed of matters that need attention, such as recycling bins needing to be emptied.

    Recently, a public-spirited resident very kindly picked up the contents of a litter bin on Stimpson’s Piece that had been turned over deliberately.

    Sadly, since then, this deliberate upturning of litter bins has been repeated by people who seem to get pleasure out of mindless acts of vandalism, which someone else has to rectify.

    A trolley was also taken from the Co-op and smashed up on the skate park.

    These senseless acts are undoubtedly caused by a small number of individuals who show no respect for our town.

    If you see any antisocial activity of this kind, please inform the police or the Town Council, to whom you can report such matters in confidence.

    Road safety concerns

    The Town Council has been contacted by residents expressing their concerns about road safety in Nowhere Lane and Whitwell Road.

    These roads are narrow in places, such that large vehicles have difficulty in passing, and have no footpaths for pedestrians. The speed limit is also too high.

    The Town Council has written to Norfolk Highways expressing its concern and asking if these roads could be seen as a local priority for the improvement of road safety by measures such as extending the speed limit from its current ending point near the high school to the railway bridge.

    Reinvigorating the weekly market

    Reepham is a town, rather than a village, due to the Market Charter granted in 1277.

    The Town Council, along with the Bircham Centre, is seeking ways to reinvigorate the Wednesday Market.

    One possibility would be to allow local residents to have a table/stall free of charge to sell items of their choosing.

    If you have any ideas on how the market can be re-invigorated the Town Council or the Bircham Centre would like to hear from you.

    Appointment of town clerk

    Following a rigorous recruitment process, at its meeting on 4 August the Town Council ratified the appointment of Kirsty Cotgrove as town clerk.

    Kirsty is an experienced parish clerk with many years’ experience, who has much to offer Reepham.

    She will take up the post on 13 September. Until then, Sally Gill, the council’s responsible finance officer, will continue as acting town clerk.

    Please continue to contact the Town Council in the usual way via post, email or telephone. Phone messages left will be picked up regularly.

    Pavilion redecoration

    The main hall and toilets at the pavilion at Stimpson’s Piece are in the process of being redecorated and will shortly be available for hire.

    If you would like to view the building, without obligation, prior to a possible hire, please contact the town clerk by telephone 01603 873355 or email.

    The next meeting of Reepham Town Council will be held on Wednesday 8 September at 8 pm at Stimpson’s Piece Pavilion, Bartle Court, Reepham (venue to be confirmed). This will be preceded by a meeting of the Trustees of Stimpson’s Piece at 7.30 pm. Members of the public are invited to attend both meetings.

  • More seating to be provided in Market Place

    Monday, June 14, 2021 - 15:01

    After months of Zoom meetings, Reepham Town Council met face to face on Wednesday 9 June, albeit socially distanced. This was a significant step in the return to normality.

    Photo: Reepham Community Press

    Following a brief closure of Church Hill, the damage to the churchyard wall caused by vehicles has now been repaired.

    However, significant restorative work is needed to other sections of the wall. A small working group of councillors is investigating costs, etc., for this work.

    A working group of councillors has also been established to oversee the three allotment sites for which the town council is responsible.

    If you are an allotment holder and have not returned a signed letting agreement for this year, please do so. If you would like a copy of the latest agreement, please contact the town clerk.

    Town clerk vacancy

    Following the resignation of town clerk Jo Boxall after 10 years’ service to Reepham, the town council is currently advertising the vacancy.

    If you have relevant skills and administrative/management experience the town council would welcome an application. Details can be found on the town council website.

    Seating and grit bins

    Town councillors have received requests for more seating to be made available in the Market Place, particularly for those waiting for the bus or who need to rest before walking home.

    The council is therefore proposing to place a bench in front of the island at the bus stop on the Kings Arms side of the Market Place and another next to the island on the Dial House side facing the church. These will not affect car parking to any extent.

    Although on a warm, sunny June day snow and ice seems a long way away, following requests from residents the town council now has permission to install a salt bin in the Market Place. A bin, suitably in keeping with the conservation area, will be installed in time for the winter.

    The town council is aware that repairs are needed to the church paths and the driveway at the Whitwell Road cemetery and is currently seeking quotes for this work.

    Stimpson’s Piece improvements

    As trustee for the Stimpson’s Piece Charity, the town council continues to work on improving the facilities and pavilion at Stimpson’s Piece. This month the gutters have been repaired, which means work can commence to paint the doors, etc.

    Following the previous replacement of playground equipment, old and rotten picnic tables and benches have now been replaced. The trustees would like to thank Bryan Gostling for giving his time voluntarily to help assemble and install these items.

    The trustees would also like to thank those residents who have purchased Broadland Community at Heart Lottery tickets in favour of Stimpson’s Piece or generously made a donation to support this work.

    If you have any ideas of ways in which the town council could bring about improvements, please let us know.

    If you have time to spare and feel that you could make a contribution to the Reepham community as a town councillor, we would like to hear from you.

    Please contact the town clerk by telephone 01603 873355 or email.

  • Residents’ responsibility to care for recreation ground

    Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 09:19

    It has been good to see so many people making use of Stimpson’s Piece recently, both as a place to meet friends and as a place for children to play safely.

    The recreation ground was bequeathed to the town and is run by the Stimpson’s Piece Charity as a place for the community to use and enjoy, therefore all residents have a responsibility to care for it.

    Please use the litter bins and report to the charity, via the town council, if you see anyone causing damage.

    The charity would also like to thank all those residents who have bought Stimpson’s Piece lottery tickets, via the Broadland Community at Heart Lottery, to help support the children’s play area.

    The charity has recently replaced the large multipurpose play tower and the toddler swing. The older benches and picnic tables will also be replaced shortly.

    Volunteer to refurbish pavilion

    Stimpson’s Piece Charity is committed to refurbishing the pavilion as a community centre, which is available to all.

    We are currently seeking volunteers to help with a wide range of practical tasks from painting the outside doors, refurbishing the kitchen, assembling flatpack benches and picnic tables to helping with tabletop and car boot sales, which we are hoping to run later this summer.

    If you can help, please email the town clerk, who is also clerk to the charity, with your contact details and an indication of the skills you can offer. All help will be greatly appreciated.

    Amendments to allotment agreement

    Following feedback from allotment holders the town council has amended the allotment agreement to clarify some of the council’s expectations.

    The revised agreement was ratified at the town council meeting on 14 April and is effective from that date. The revised agreement can be found on the town council website.

    If you have returned the previous agreement, it will not be necessary for you to sign the revised agreement, but if you wish to do so, please contact the town clerk for a copy or download it from the website.

    Tree maintenance

    The town council is responsible for the trees in several areas of the town. Following a recent tree survey, maintenance work will commence shortly to remove any dead wood, etc., that was identified in the survey.

    Meanwhile, several residents have asked if a salt bin and more seating could be provided in the Market Place and at the bus stop.

    As the Market Place is within the Reepham Conservation Area, the town council is currently in discussion with Broadland District Council about this matter.

    If you have any ideas of ways in which Reepham could be improved or would like to join the town council to help your community, please contact the town clerk by telephone 01603 873355 or email.
