
Road closure Reepham Centre: 3-7 June 2013

Norfolk County Council has made a Temporary Traffic Order affecting the C260 Church Hill from the junction with U57083 Ollands Road westwards for a distance of 40 m in the Reepham because of electrical connection works.
The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) from 3 June to 7 June 2013 for the duration of the works, which is expected to be about five days within the period.
Alternative route is via: C260 Market Place, B1145 Station Road, C260 New Road/The Moor/Norwich Road and vice versa.

Reepham's Top 10 Assets: latest table

As promised, here is the latest table of Reepham assets that you wouldn’t want to lose:
1.= Doctors Surgery  + Post Office & Shop
3. Crown Public House
4. Mott’s Chemist
5. HSBC Bank & ATP
6. Old Brewery House
7.= Fire Station/Brigade + Robertson’s Butcher + Stimpson’s Piece
10.=Library + King’s Arms + Spar
13.=Bircham Centre + V’s Café + Schools
16.= Reepham Town Hall + Kerri’s Pine

Visit to Beth Chatto Gardens

Reepham & District Gardening Club are organising their main outing of the year, to the Beth Chatto Gardens, on Sunday, 7th July. There are a few places available, so whether or not you are already a Gardening Club member, if interested, please get in touch with Karen Brockman, tel. 01603 870201. The cost is £16, entry fee and coach travel is included. It will be a lovely day out.

Royal British Legion coffee morning 23 May

There will be a coffee morning in aid of the Royal British Legion at the home of Desmond and Margaret Gostling at 12 Pightle Way, Reepham, on Thursday 23 May from 10.00 am to midday. As well as tea/coffee and biscuits, there will be Bring & Buy, plants, tombola and a raffle.  I hope you will go along and support them!

James Joyce retains seat in County elections

Liberal Democrat James Joyce narrowly won today’s election for the Reepham Division of Norfolk County Council by 51 votes and a 34% share of the total votes cast.
The incumbent beat Kerrie Barnett (Conservative), who recorded 717 votes (31%) and Dominic Low with 510 votes (22%), with Christine Hemmingway (Labour) trailing with 292 votes (13%). The turnout was 35%.

Reepham Town Bowls Club - what a great start to the season

Well, we couldn't have asked for a better start to the season. The weather has certainly improved and we have signed up 10 new members with another four likely to join. We have purchased some new equipment, which was vital for the club through the kind donations we have received. I have mentioned these in earlier blogs, but once again thank you to you all.
On that note we are now desperate to purchase a new scarifier for the green, so if anybody can assist with a donation to go towards it, it would be greatly appreciated.

Far from Goodnight Vienna

Reepham Festival proudly presents... The Imperial Vienna Orchestra!!!

Yes, you did read that right – an orchestra will feature as the finale to the performance schedule in St Michael’s Church on Saturday. And not just any orchestra. We are pleased to welcome the Imperial Vienna Orchestra for a unique performance of a wide variety of pieces from Strauss to Andre Rieu, in the beautiful environs of the parish church.

Reepham & Salle Cricket Club juniors start training

Reepham & Salle Cricket Club starts its 2013 season Junior Cricket training on Wednesday 17 April and these continue until Wednesday 24 July.
Young cricketers between the ages of 5-16 are welcome to come along to learn, practice and play cricket, which will be taught by our England Cricket Board-qualified coaches.
We currently run groups for the following ages: U9, U11, U13 and U15.


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