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More tyranny on planning

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 - 12:05

Re: Town Council supports old station yard proposal

More tyranny on development and planning, with no requirement for community conditional approval. No wonder people feel disenfranchised.

Michael Wyard, Park Lane, Reepham

Reepham way down priority list for superfast broadband

Monday, August 13, 2018 - 09:45

Re: New cabinets will give superfast broadband for some residents

Well isn’t it about time? However, it’s still extremely disappointing to those who are attached directly to the Reepham exchange, unlike those who have the benefit of being on one of the few cabinets in the town.

I’m not sure if this “press release” was issued by BBfN or Open Reach, but using the given links to find out more is a waste of time, as it does not tell you if your property will be connected to the “new” cabinets.

Those observant enough will know that there is already one of these sitting outside the exchange and has been there for a number of years. (However this, I am led to believe, is still unconnected to anyone.)

All I can find by entering my phone number is that I am connected to the Reepham exchange, which I am fully aware of, and is the reason I and many others get “superfast broadband”.

Reepham is way down the priority list if we are still looking to 2020 for all to have this benefit.

Martin Sullivan, Kerdiston Road, Reepham

Wrong site for a greedy, money-grabbing project

Sunday, August 5, 2018 - 10:54

The size of the proposed project [on the old station yard, Reepham] will destroy the essence of Marriott’s Way.

It is far removed from the initial concept, greedy and money grabbing, and has no thought for the infrastructure.

This would be a huge destructive change to the environment. It is the wrong site for a change of that degree.

Jacky and Lance Dawson, Peppers Close, Reepham

Traffic on Smugglers Lane

Wednesday, July 11, 2018 - 22:19

Can I ask all drivers using Smugglers Lane to remember it is a lane and not a rat run or speed track?

Lately, some drivers have been attempting to pass dog walkers on the narrowest stretch of the lane nearing the junction with Kerdiston Road.

I am aware that there is a footpath running alongside the field inside the hedge, but this is badly overgrown and not maintained by either the landowner or the Council and is only usable because a neighbour has very kindly been out with his shears.

Please take care.

Betty Uffindell, Smugglers Lane, Reepham

WWII bomber crash plaque

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - 17:59

On 10 February 1941, a Handley Page Hampden bomber crashed into Bluestone Plantation [north of Cawston], killing all the aircrew, one of which we understand was his 21st birthday.

When the information we have is put together, a plaque will be fixed to the memorial for the 1944 “Lucky Strike” B52 plane crash on Booton Road (thanks to Cawston Parish Council for permission).

Contact has been made with some of the family, who would like to be present at a unveiling. More details to follow…

Des Cook, Cawston Historical Society

Support for station yard development

Tuesday, May 29, 2018 - 09:01

Re Plans unveiled for care home and Co-op food store at station yard site, this seems an ideal solution to developing the site at station yard.

It addresses a number of issues: derelict site, poor access and the much needed additional jobs for the community.

I support the development.

Ian Hirlam, The Moor, Reepham

Co-op is slowly stifling competition

Thursday, May 24, 2018 - 11:36

So the Co-op convenience store planning application on School Road has been rejected. One of the reasons stated was the fact that pedestrians would have to walk on the road owing to delivery lorries.

If the County Council are so concerned about this very important safety aspect, why did they never do anything about the HGVs that were regularly up on axle stands when the garage was functioning?

I for one contacted the police with my concerns on several occasions as it was a health and safety nightmare.

If we are going to oppose planning applications, let us not forget the recent past and what has been allowed, and not just pander to the whims of the local retailers, although my theory is that the Co-op is slowly taking out the opposition.

Phillip Leeder, Cawston Road, Reepham

Station yard development will have a detrimental effect

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 20:30

How sad that such a large-scale development can be proposed for such a tranquil and peaceful area of Reepham, rich in wildlife and biodiversity, while a brownfield site close to the town centre is refused.

Do people not realise that a supermarket sited in the old station yard would have a much more detrimental effect on the existing small businesses in Reepham?

People shopping there aren’t going to “pop round the corner” into the Market Place, before or afterwards, as they might have done from the Reepham Garage site.

As a previous correspondent has written, “people don’t like to walk far”. They’re much more likely to do all their shopping in there and go.

The arguments about traffic, access and noise disturbance at the School Road site are spurious.

And can our doctors’ surgery cope with the potential demands of having such a large-scale retirement complex and care home in Reepham?

Hilary Gostling, Bircham Road, Reepham

Old station yard development ticks many boxes

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 15:32

This site has been on the cards for development for several years. Amongst the many schemes that have been put forward this seems to be the most promising.

The plans as shown appear to be carefully and thoughtfully designed with the type of accommodation sorely needed for Reepham’s ageing community.

The Co-op convenience store would serve the community housed on that site, together with residents living at the Cawston Road/Stony Lane end of Reepham.

Improvements to access onto Cawston Road from Kerri’s Pine would be a great safety advantage. Deliveries to the Co-op store would cause less disruption than those to Spar on Ollands Road now.

It would also be less likely that Spar and the local shops would lose business as there would be some distance between the town centre and the new convenience store – we are well aware of how reluctant people are to walk any distance!

Since we have to accept some development, it seems sensible and appropriate to consider the increasing needs of the elderly residents who have outgrown their homes, but still wish to remain within Reepham and accessible to friends and relatives.

It would be sad to lose the quiet and rural atmosphere of Stony Lane, but far better that than the less-than-suitable proposed development of the old garage on School Road.

The surface of Marriott’s Way is in need of improvement, especially during the winter or exceptionally wet weather, so, again, that would be welcome.

It’s also possible that I could well qualify as one of the new residents in the not-too-distant future!

Brenda R Palmer, Chapel Close, Reepham

Horse items stolen

Monday, May 21, 2018 - 12:01

My 10-year-old daughter Caitlin had some of her horse equipment stolen from the field on Wood Dalling Road, Reepham, between 8 pm Saturday 12 May and 2 pm Sunday 13 May.

She had her dressage markers, two blue plastic jumping wings and two pink-and-white plastic poles taken.

Obviously, Caitlin is very upset as she had used her own money – selling toys she had outgrown and Christmas money – to buy them herself.

The police have been informed.

Caitlin is just grateful that her pony Suzy was not stolen or harmed in any way.

Maria Jackets, Bircham Road, Reepham
