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Businesses open to have a life too

Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 18:19

Further to the letter “Closed for business” by L. Boyd (8 May 2018), how wonderful and lucky to live in a town where the people are so caring, kind and thoughtful.

It is refreshing that many people here understand the importance of stopping and having a break at lunch time – a good “work/life” balance in modern parlance.

Perhaps they even take a proper meal rather than a fat and sugar-loaded fast-food alternative, eating it off a plate, God forbid, with a knife and fork!

Some are even able to hold Sunday special enough to close up shop (a nod to our heritage possibly) and take only half a day off to replace a day of work on Saturday.

And time is taken to serve customers with respect and care.

As for using cash, many of us love that.

As for minimum spends, one would need to address the banks about it, not write rude letters about local shop owners.

Janet Pender-Cudlip, Mill Road, Reepham

Offshore wind farm companies’ sugared pill

Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - 21:12

Re: Farm manager’s fears over wind farm cable corridors

I’m utterly dismayed that the rich archaeology across the county, and of course the ritual Neolithic landscape of the Salle and Wood Dalling areas, is not mentioned or taken account of at all, seemingly.

This is by far the most significant issue. Not Reepham, of course, but the Happisburgh hand-axe at 500,000 years old is a mere youngster compared to the 800,000 to 1 million-year-old human footprints, by far the oldest in Western Europe and some of the oldest evidence of human life in the world, outside Africa.

Do these wind farm companies really care or are they just out to make money like any other business, sugaring the pill and getting away with it by calling it “eco” to make people feel bad to argue against it.

What price the creation of a few jobs compared with what will inevitably be lost for ever or certainly decontextualised?

Imogen Ashwin, Reepham Road, Brandiston

Closed for business

Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - 19:22

Shops that close for lunch? Half-day closing? Stores reluctant to accept cards or enforcing a minimum spend? Are we still in 1918?

No wonder supermarkets are queueing up to target small towns like Reepham.

L. Boyd, Thorpe Marriott

Convenience store plans to be discussed at next Town Council meeting

Monday, April 2, 2018 - 15:27

There has been some correspondence on Reepham Life recently concerning a proposal for a new convenience store in School Road.

A planning application was originally made some time ago, but was withdrawn by the applicant before a decision was made by Broadland District Council.

The applicant has since resubmitted an amended application and, as part of the local consultation process, it will be discussed at the next Town Council meeting to be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday 11 April, starting at 7.30 pm.

Councillors would welcome representations from members of the public before reaching a decision on this application.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite anybody who would like to have an influence on developments in Reepham to join us as councillors.

You will have the opportunity to work with local, district and county councillors to help shape the future of our town.

We still have vacancies for councillors and we, and the people of Reepham, would appreciate your support.

Les Paterson, Chairman, Reepham Town Council

What justification for new businesses?

Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 17:34

Since my last letter to Reepham Life (25 March 2018) I have been given to understand that a new business selling packaged meats, fresh vegetables and flowers is due to open in The Chimes in Reepham’s Market Place, and there is possibly to be a café in the current police station when it is vacated – both in direct proximity to the existing butchers, greengrocers, florists and cafés.

How then, given their strong objections to a small supermarket on grounds of the viability and survival of the existing businesses, does Reepham Town Council justify allowing these new businesses to open?

Hilary Gostling, Bircham Road, Reepham

Definite need for a new supermarket

Sunday, March 25, 2018 - 20:49

There is no need for another convenience store in Reepham? The other businesses in the town would be adversely affected? Really?

When I first came to live in Reepham, in the late 1970s, there were six general grocery stores, two butchers shops, two hardware stores, plus Randall’s, which also sold electrical and white goods, a drugstore, a post office, a newsagents, a drapers, a clockmaker and a mobile greengrocery business.

All to serve a population of less than 2,000 people. All co-existing without problems; all thriving.

How can some of your correspondents justify their claim that the present businesses in Reepham are: a) sufficient for the needs of the now enormously expanded population, and b) could possibly provide for even greater numbers if the proposed new housing is completed?

Judging by the number of Tesco’s, Sainsbury’s, etc. delivery vans I see coming into Reepham each day, a large proportion of residents clearly don’t appear to agree that local shopping provision meets their needs.

We definitely do need a new supermarket with a more comprehensive range, quality, value and price of food products.

Hilary Gostling, Bircham Road, Reepham

‘Small convenience store’ will nearly double town’s retail area

Monday, March 19, 2018 - 20:50

The latest planning application for a Co-op supermarket has failed to address the key concerns raised by the previous application, and furthermore has been exceedingly misleading in its attempts to do so.

The applicant criticises the Spar store for not stocking fresh meat, vegetables and hot drinks, but does not mention that these are provided by independent businesses in the town or that this is a deliberate policy of Spar management so that local businesses are not damaged.

Further, this “small convenience store” will nearly double the retail area in the town, and yet the Co-op claims that somehow Reepham’s existing independent shops would “remain vital and viable”.

You might think it worthwhile asking the independents whether they agree with this analysis, because it is clear that the applicant has not done so.

Michael Pender-Cudlip, Mill Road, Reepham

No benefit from another supermarket

Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 20:27

Phillip Leeder (Letters, 20 December 2017) appears to believe that a “small minority” of people in Reepham objected to the proposed convenience store on School Road.

However, from Les Patterson’s letter (8 January 2018) this does not appear to be the case.

The Town Council meeting that discussed the planning application was well attended by residents as well as business people.

Does Mr Leeder really believe that there is space in this small town for another small supermarket?

He may think that Spar’s prices are high, but does he consider the “convenience” of having this store so nearby?

The recent “Beast from the East” cold spell has certainly reinforced how well used and valuable this shop is, in addition to Robertson’s butchers, Diane’s Pantry, Meloncaulie Rose, Johnson’s, the Library, the Bircham Centre and Reepham Home Hardware, not to mention Motts Pharmacy.

Would any of these businesses survive if we had a Tesco’s, however small it might be?

The prices might be competitive to begin with – until all other shops had closed for lack of business. We might then see how high those prices might go.

Fortunately, we are not going to see this happen in the immediate future.

We have a small, exclusive and individual town centre with open shops, whose owners know their customers and give personal, friendly service.

Reepham might be growing (whether we like or not), but those new residents will be less likely to use the local amenities.

Many will work outside the town and shop in the larger supermarkets, where they can do their week’s or month’s shop in one, convenient trip. More houses will not mean we need more “convenience” stores.

I like Reepham because of its individuality, personal service and community spirit. I would like it to stay that way, but I know it will inevitably grow.

However, I don’t think that another small supermarket would do anything to benefit the town; it would more likely kill the local, individual businesses, and Reepham would lose its character, community feel and the heart it, at present, possesses.

I’m glad the planning application has been withdrawn. The site was originally designated for housing, in keeping with the existing properties.

We are constantly being told that we need more houses, so small plots of infill would help to provide some of those needs.

They might also prevent the need for a large development of 100 houses or more, which would certainly make a significant difference to the town.

Brenda R Palmer, Chapel Close, Reepham

Local girls can join Elmham Guides

Thursday, January 18, 2018 - 17:53

We heard that the Guides group in Reepham have closed down and thought some girls might like to come to Elmham Guides.

A number of our Guides have written about what they have been up to and what they enjoy:

“Guides is really fun and you make lots of new friends. We achieve cool badges and Go For It’s, which are basically challenges and you then earn badges.

“Where we meet we have a park and during the summer we play there and have lots of fun. We love having cookouts and eating marshmallows over campfires.

“Every year we go on a camp and this year it is Norjam, which is a large Jamboree full of Guides and Scouts, some from the UK and some from other countries: Egypt, Canada, Ireland... The list goes on.

“We went rock climbing before the Christmas break. We have lots of fun and learn important skills.

“We did our first aid training at Chapelfield in Norwich; we also did fire training and map tracking. We stayed the night there with lots of other Guide groups so we got to meet new people.

“Every week we have fun games, learn new skills and do challenges to earn badges. Elmham Guides is amazing!”

To find out more or if you would like to join or to become a helper, contact Marion on 01362 696221 or check out the Girlguiding website.

Marion Morgan, Elmham Guides

Lack of morality demonstrated by county council vote on allowances

Friday, January 12, 2018 - 19:17

It is refreshing to read that our local county councillor has decided to forego the 10.5% increase in councillors’ allowances recently voted by the majority of those Norfolk County Councillors who did not absent themselves from this vote.

At a time when council tax is likely to rise by around 5% or more, it seems that those councillors who voted for their 10.5% increase, or left it to colleagues to do so, demonstrated a lack of leadership and morality, and political naivety to the extent that one wonders whether they are in touch with popular feeling.

While I agree that councillors should be adequately recompensed for the work they do, now is not a good time for an increase (as the councillors were formally advised), and the argument that Norfolk allowances are well behind those in other counties does not entirely wash.

Other counties should look at the comparison with, and example previously set by, Norfolk and restrain their allowances – they do not always have to increase in hardened times.

The money raised through council tax for Norfolk County Council is around £350 million a year and the 10.5% increase in allowances totals £142,000, which equates to an increase of 0.04%.

I am minded to withhold that percentage of my annual council tax payments – in my case that would be approximately 70p.

If everyone did that, the council could recover the shortfall by all councillors following our local councillor’s example.

Certainly, as the position stands, the incomes of elected county councillors will increase by a lot more than the rise in their personal council tax bills, whereas the incomes of most of their electors are unlikely to increase to meet the hike in their bills.

One law for the elected, another for the electors.

Perhaps the answer is to stand for election as a county councillor – although not in Reepham.

Rupert Birtles, Pettywell, Reepham
