• All dog owners reminded to clear up after their pets

    Saturday, January 16, 2021 - 13:39

    Reepham Town Council would value support in helping to monitor areas for which it is responsible and reporting any problems or issues, such as storm damage to trees, vandalism, etc.

    Areas for which the council is responsible include the allotments (at Norwich Road, Stony Lane and Fiddlers Field), Stimpson’s Piece, Overton Way play area, the public toilets, and the cemeteries on Whitwell Road and Norwich Road.

    Mobile phone ‘not spots’

    The town council continues to be concerned about mobile phone “not spots” in parts of Reepham.

    If your business is affected by this issue, please write to Broadland District Council’s Business Support team (business@broadland.gov.uk) to explain how the lack of a mobile signal impacts on your business.

    The more evidence that we have to demonstrate how this effects the local economy the better.

    Precept stays the same

    The precept is the town council’s share of council tax. Being mindful of the impact of Covid-19 on the economy and individuals, the town council has agreed to keep the precept for 2021-22 at the same level as last year.

    Stimpson’s Piece costs

    As trustee, the town council is doing all it can to improve the facilities at Stimpson’s Piece.

    This is challenging as the only source of income the Stimpson’s Piece Charitable Trust receives is from lettings and by making applications for grants.

    In particular, the trust is committed to improving the pavilion and play area. The pavilion gutters have now been cleared and will be repaired when weather conditions are suitable.

    Replacements for the toddler swing and the multi-activity equipment have been ordered and should be installed in the spring.


    The town council would like to thank the many responsible dog owners who clean up after their pets and use the dog-waste bins provided.

    Unfortunately, there is a small number of irresponsible owners who do not do so, or if they do, feel it is acceptable to throw the used waste bags into people’s gardens or hang them on bushes; children have also been arriving at school with dog mess on their shoes.

    This is unacceptable and, as a community, we need to do all we can to identify and report the offenders.

    If, as a dog owner, you feel there is a site where a dog bin would help reduce the problem, please let the clerk know and the council will give this due consideration. The site would have to be easily accessible to the vehicle that empties the bins.

    Councillor vacancies

    The council has councillor vacancies and would welcome expressions of interest from residents to join the council. If you are interested in giving some of your time to support the community, or would like to find out more without any obligation, please contact the clerk.

    Next meetings

    The next Reepham Town Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 10 February at 8 pm (preceded, at 7.30 pm, by the Stimpson’s Piece Trustee meeting) via Zoom. Please contact the clerk for joining instructions.

    The town council can be contacted by email clerk@reephamtowncouncil.org.uk or telephone 01603 873355. www.reephamtowncouncil.org.uk

  • Poor mobile phone signal impacting local economy

    Friday, December 11, 2020 - 16:58

    Reepham Town Council continues to be concerned about mobile phone “not spots” in parts of the town.

    It has lobbied a number of key organisations, but it would help to leverage support if as many local businesses could email Broadland District Council’s business support team to explain how the lack of a mobile signal impacts their business.

    The more evidence we have to demonstrate how this affects the local economy the better.

    Stimpson’s Piece improvements

    The town council, as trustee, is doing all that it can to improve the facilities at Stimpson’s Piece.

    At its December meeting it was agreed that urgent work should take place to repair the leaking gutters on the pavilion and to replace playground equipment that is reaching the end of its useful life.

    While the town council wishes to continue to make the designated areas of Stimpson’s Piece available for dog walking it is becoming increasingly concerned about the large quantities of dog mess, which is being left by inconsiderate dog owners.

    In addition to the obvious unpleasantness, this is also a health hazard. Please clear up after your dog. Dog bins have been provided for convenience.

    Allotments’ interest

    The town council is pleased to see so many residents showing an interest in having an allotment plot; owing to demand there is now an extensive waiting list for plots.

    The council is in the process of dividing full plots that become vacant to allow more people to have access to a plot and is conducting inspections with a view to ensuring that all plots are being fully cultivated.

    Guidance has also been issued to ensure that chickens on allotments are kept in suitable housing and humane conditions.

    Papillon Project

    The Papillon Project is a Reepham-based project that is inspiring children and young people to learn to grow their own food for their school and the community.

    The project recently held a community litter pick, when volunteers collected litter from around the town.

    The town council is supportive and appreciative of the work the project does and has awarded it a grant of £100 to further its work.


    The precept is the town council’s share of council tax. Being mindful of the impact of Covid-19 on the economy and on individuals, the town council has agreed to keep the precept for 2021-22 at the same level as last year.

    Thank you to all those who help make Reepham a pleasant place to live, especially residents for helping to keep one another safe, all those who have volunteered in the community and councillors for their support during what has been a challenging year.

    The town council has two vacancies and would welcome expressions of interest from residents to join the council. The town council can be contacted by email or telephone 01603 873355.

    The next meeting of Reepham Town Council will take place on Wednesday 13 January at 8 pm (preceded at 7.30 pm by the Stimpson’s Piece Trustees meeting) via Zoom. Please contact the clerk for joining instructions.

    Have a happy Christmas and, as the vaccine is rolled out, an enjoyable New Year.


  • Town council to fund Christmas trees in the Market Place

    Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - 09:51

    Members of Reepham Town Council give their time voluntarily to support the community, so it is encouraging that we have recently co-opted several new councillors and welcome Barbara Douglas, our latest recruit, as well as Guppy Kular and Alice Hazelwood, who were co-opted at the October meeting.

    The council now has 10 councillors with two vacancies. If you are interested in becoming a councillor, please contact the clerk (details below) or any of our councillors for more information.

    Stimpson’s Piece gate to be locked in evenings

    The town council, as trustee for Stimpson’s Piece, is seeking to replace some play equipment and a working group has been set up to consider the options.

    The Stimpson’s Piece Charity relies solely on income from lettings and grants to maintain Stimpson’s Piece so funding presents a challenge, especially during in the current coronavirus pandemic.

    It is therefore particularly upsetting to note that Stimpson’s Piece has once again been the subject of anti-social behaviour and vandalism, causing additional expenditure.

    A vehicle was driven across the field, damaging the grass and creating deep ruts where it became stuck at the Kerdiston Road end; the glass in a door of the pavilion has also been broken.

    In light of this sort of unacceptable behaviour, the gate of Stimpson’s Piece will be locked to vehicles in the evenings.

    Continued vandalism of public toilets

    Following on from the theme of anti-social behaviour, the public toilets in Pudding Pie Alley have regrettably been the target of continued vandalism, with the toilets being deliberately blocked and the area flooded, toilet rolls stolen and, on some occasions, the soap being emptied and spread around the toilets.

    Residents are asked to report any suspicious activity to the police, who have been made aware of the issue.

    Handrail dispute

    The town council was recently contacted regarding the steep slope on the footpath between Bircham Road and Ollands Road, which becomes slippery in icy weather.

    Norfolk County Council’s highways department was asked to support the town council’s request for a handrail to be installed, but was advised the path is too narrow for a handrail. The town council has disputed this and has asked highways to reconsider its decision.

    Glass recycling supports local groups

    The town council is responsible for the recycling bins located in the Station Road car park, as well as additional glass recycling bins at Stimpson’s Piece and The Crown, with the income from glass recycling used to provide grants to local organisations.

    Residents are encouraged to place their glass in these recycling bins rather than in their wheelie bin to support local groups. The grant application form and details can be viewed on the town council website.

    Festive cheer

    The town council has agreed to fund the erection and lighting of the Christmas trees in the Market Place in the hope of bringing some festive cheer and sense of normality to the town centre. Residents are wished a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

    The town council is always keen to hear the views of residents, in particular thoughts or ideas on how the environment or quality of life in Reepham can be improved. It can be contacted by email clerk@rephamtowncouncil.org.uk or telephone 01603 873355.

    Future events

    • Wednesday 9 December: Reepham Town Council meeting, followed by Stimpson’s Piece Charity Trustee meeting

    Meetings will begin at 7.30 pm and, until current restrictions are lifted, will be held via Zoom.

    Members of the public are warmly invited to attend and joining instructions will be posted on the town council website or can be obtained via the town clerk. Please keep an eye on the website for any changes.

  • Stimpson’s Piece pavilion in need of urgent repairs and refurbishment

    Monday, October 19, 2020 - 20:48

    Reepham Town Council is responsible for a wide range of community provision within Reepham, including the Market Place, street lighting, Stimpson’s Piece, the play area on Overton Way, the cemeteries, the church yard and Pound, and the allotments on Norwich Road, Stony Lane and Fiddler’s Field.

    The town council is also the sole trustee of the Stimpson’s Piece Trust, caring for the recreation ground and pavilion.

    The pavilion is a particular focus at present as it is in need of some urgent repairs and refurbishment.

    To look into this matter the town council, as trustee, has established a working group of councillors with a brief to identify the repairs and refurbishment needed and to report back to the trustees on priorities for action and likely costs.

    The children’s play area also requires a considerable investment to replace some equipment that is reaching the end of its life. Quotations are currently being sought for this work.

    Anti-social behaviour

    The town council is committed to doing all it can to ensure Reepham continues to be a safe place to live and work.

    The latest police community update report from the Reepham Safer Neighbourhood Team identifies that the monitoring and challenging of anti-social behaviour on recreation grounds and public spaces is a priority.

    Although we are fortunate that crime in the Reepham area is low, Stimpson’s Piece is sometimes a focus for anti-social behaviour.

    Recently, the football club’s portable toilets were tipped over and bottles from the bottle bank were smashed on the car park.

    As a community we need to work together to identify those responsible for this kind of anti-social behaviour.

    If anyone has any information on these or other matters, please contact the police on 101, via their website or social media, or report anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

    Pedestrian safety

    A number of local people have recently expressed concerns about the safety of pedestrians crossing Station Road to visit the new Co-operative store, which is due to open by the end of the year.

    The original plans for the site, which were approved by Broadland District Council, included a pedestrian crossing, but this has not been installed. The town council is currently in correspondence with Broadland about this matter.

    New youth group

    The town council has received an enquiry from Beth Wade, a lead youth worker on the Positive Activities Project at the Benjamin Foundation.

    This project is being funded by the Broadland Youth Advisory Board (YAB) and involves the development of new youth provision in the Broadland area for 11 to 19 year olds (up to 25 years for young people with a disability).

    She is looking for people locally who would be willing to help in the setting up and developing a new youth group, particularly anyone who is actively involved in the community or is willing to help promote, develop and sustain the youth provision in this area.

    This project aims to ensure young people are positively involved in this process and that the outcome is a successful community youth group, run for the benefit of the young people in Reepham, supported by the Broadland YAB Positive Activities Project.

    Reepham Town Council is keen to explore ways in which it can help promote and sustain this project. If you are interested, please contact Beth Wade on 07817 013812.

    The town council is always keen to hear the views of residents, in particular thoughts or ideas on how the environment or quality of life in Reepham can be improved.

    Reepham Town Council can be contacted by telephone 01603 873355 or email.

  • Much going on in September

    Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - 10:56

    As we head towards the end of September, nights are starting to draw in and it is becoming very autumnal.

    Cllr Jules Line has tendered her resignation. She joined the town council in July 2017 and has been an enthusiastic and supportive member of the council, not only as a councillor, but also as a member of the Town Hall Management Committee helping to run the town hall.

    The council wishes Jules well for the future and thank her for all the work she has done on behalf of the community.

    There are already a couple of vacancies for councillors, so if you wish to support our community by joining us as a councillor, please do not hesitate to contact the town clerk or any of our councillors, who will be pleased to help you.

    Planters in the Market Place

    Following complaints from residents, at the town council meeting held on 17 September the council agreed by majority to remove the planters in two weeks if, following direct consultation with businesses, a better place could not be found for some of them as it was recognised that they have not cost the town council any money.

    It was a Broadland District Council initiative, supported by funding from the European Union. It was hoped that once planted, they could still be placed to improve the look of the Market Place, without compromising parking and safety, as these were residents’ main concerns.

    There was general agreement to allow a few planters to be planted up to see what they would look like and Broadland have done this.

    The council also agreed to work with the Broadland Economic Development Team to look at ways of improving the appearance of the Market Place, to make it more attractive to residents and visitors, and therefore encourage trade. It is understood that this will include a review of parking in the town.

    This has been a busy time for allotments with a low turnover, and as a result Reepham now has a significant waiting list. Concern has been expressed about the welfare of chickens on the sites and a policy is being drafted to ensure that any birds are well looked after.

    You may have noticed that the church clock has once again stopped. Advice is being sought as it is understood more in-depth repairs may be required.

    Thank you to all residents and businesses for the continued efforts made in light of the current coronavirus restrictions. The council can only reiterate the advice that has been given by the government and continues to urge residents to follow the national advice with regard to Covid-19.

    As a community we will all be aware of neighbours, friends and family members who may be vulnerable and at risk, as well as lonely, so do what you can to help.

    Future events

    • Wednesday 14 October: Reepham Town Council meeting, followed by Stimpson’s Piece Charity Trustee meeting

    • Wednesday 11 November, Reepham Town Council meeting, followed by Stimpson’s Piece Charity Trustee meeting.

    Meetings will begin at 7.30 pm and, until current restrictions are lifted, will be held via Zoom.

    Members of the public are warmly invited to attend and joining instructions will be posted on the town council website or can be obtained via the town clerk. Please keep an eye on the website for any changes.

    If you have any concerns or queries, please contact the Town Clerk on 01603 873355 or via email

  • Comments on planning applications published on town council website

    Monday, May 18, 2020 - 17:13

    Unfortunately, we are still in that unhappy period when a great number of local businesses are either working remotely or are closed following the government’s lockdown orders.

    The restrictions are being gradually eased, but it is worthwhile repeating the current restrictions as they apply to social distancing and public gatherings in Reepham.

    Everybody should continue to exercise social distancing at all times and continue to stay at home except for essential shopping and exercise.

    The categories of shops that are allowed to open and the amount of time people are recommended to spend outside exercising is being relaxed, but essentially the advice remains the same.

    Play area closed

    It is important to remember that all public buildings and public amenities remain closed. This includes playgrounds, play equipment and outdoor gym equipment, so the children’s play area and skate park at Stimpson’s Piece must remain closed. The area has been taped off and warning notices put up for your, and your children’s, safety.

    Stimpson’s Piece park, in common with public footpaths and Marriott’s Way, remains open for exercise subject to proper social distancing.

    Remote working

    Following government advice all public meetings have been cancelled until further notice and this includes all town council and Stimpson’s Piece trustee meetings.

    Councillors and trustees are continuing to carry out their duties remotely, observing safe social distancing.

    The town council is continuing to carry out its functions remotely and the permanent staff are working from home.

    Although the town council office is closed, members of the public can make contact by email, by leaving a message on the answerphone or by letter.

    The town council is currently investigating the possibility of holding public meetings electronically, but this is still in the embryonic stage and further information will be published at a later date.

    Planning applications

    The town council still has to deal with planning applications and has adopted a policy of discussing applications and making comments and objections electronically.

    The overwhelming number of planning applications are of a minor and non-contentious nature and can be dealt with quite simply.

    However, the council has recently had to consider three separate applications in connection with the proposed development off Broomhill Lane. All these applications –  for the upgrading of Broomhill Lane, for the demolition of a bungalow and the erection of two houses on the plot at the junction of Whitwell Road and Broomhill Lane, and for the housing development itself – have generated a great deal of comment from members of the public and, following discussion among councillors, the town council has submitted its comments and objections to the three applications, which will be available for public inspection on the town council website.

    With regard to future planning applications, in addition to notices published in the local press by Broadland District Council, the town council will publish details on the town council website and in the local free press wherever possible.

    Recycling centres

    On a slightly brighter note, and a sign that perhaps restrictions are being eased, some of the Norfolk County Council recycling centres have been reopened.

    Currently, they are only offering a limited range of services and will only allow private cars and small vans to enter the sites. Large vans and trailers are not currently admitted.

    Social distancing must be observed and the staff will not assist members of the public in unloading vehicles.

    Inevitably, there may be delays in entering the sites and everybody is advised to check the websites of the recycling centres for opening hours and any conditions that are being applied.

    Future meetings

    As stated in a previous report, owing to the current restrictions on public gatherings, we are unable to publish a list of future meetings or events.

    As soon as these restrictions are eased or lifted we will be able to return to publishing these events on a regular basis.

    Contact: Reepham Town Council, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4JW. Tel: 01603 873355. Email

  • Town council continues to function during coronavirus lockdown

    Saturday, April 18, 2020 - 13:25

    A lot has happened since the last Your Council Matters report. At that time the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic was only just making its presence felt and things were still very much in a state of flux.

    Since then the government has imposed a lockdown, closing most shops, pubs and public buildings, and banning public gatherings and sporting events.

    As far as Reepham Town Council is concerned, the town hall, including the council office, is closed until further notice.

    However, we can still be contacted by email, by telephone (01603 873355) and leaving a message, or in writing to: Town Council Office, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham NR10 4JW. Letters can also be hand delivered to the letterbox at the entrance to the town hall.

    Because of the ban on public meetings and following the advice on social distancing, the town council has cancelled all meetings until we receive further guidance from the government.

    As a consequence we are unable to publish a list of future meetings and events until further notice. Councillors will continue to perform their duties, contact being maintained by email or telephone.

    Consultations on planning applications

    One significant consequence of the present ban on public meetings is that we are unable to have direct public consultations on planning applications.

    While most planning applications are not contentious and councillors are able to make their recommendations to Broadland District Council, there are likely to be more significant planning applications that will need to be considered in the near future.

    We always welcome comments from members of the public, whether residents or others, either direct to the town council or to individual councillors, on any planning application so that we are able to present the community’s views to the planning authority, Broadland District Council.

    We also need to remind everybody that they have the right to make personal objections and comments on any planning application direct to the district council via its website or in writing, and we strongly recommend that they do so.

    Broomhill Lane

    We recently had the opportunity to comment on the planning application by Norfolk County Council to improve Broomhill Lane as a preliminary step to the proposed housing development.

    Having taken into account comments made by local residents and by councillors the town council made its response to the application to Broadland District Council, details of which can be found on the town council website.

    We are expecting a full planning application for the proposed housing development off Broomhill Lane in the near future and we would ask all residents to study the proposals closely and make any comments to the town council and, more importantly, direct to Broadland District Council.

    Stimpson’s Piece pavilion and play area closed

    In common with all other public buildings, the pavilion at Stimpson’s Piece has been closed by the trustee until further notice. Following government advice it has also been necessary to prevent use of the play equipment and skate park.

    However, the parkland area of Stimpson’s Piece remains open for exercise and dog walking, but everybody should remember the government’s restrictions on the amount of time spent outside the home and the need for social distancing.

    Thanks to town traders

    We would like to express appreciation to all the traders who have been able to remain open and continue to serve the community under increasingly difficult circumstances.

    While restrictions on the number of customers allowed in at any one time may be a nuisance, they are there not only for our protection, but also for the protection of staff.

    Fortunately, the weather since the lockdown has been good and queuing in the Market Place has not, for most of us, been a hardship.

    We would also like to express appreciation to all residents who have done their best to honour the strictures of the lockdown with good humour and good grace.

    We are fortunate in having a wealth of public open spaces, such as Stimpson’s Piece, and footpaths and bridleways, such as Marriott’s Way, where we can walk our dogs or exercise within the government’s restrictions and still maintain adequate social distancing.

    Contact: Reepham Town Council, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4JW. Tel: 01603 873355. Email

  • Town council allotments available

    Friday, March 20, 2020 - 10:15

    With the clocks about to change, many of us are looking forward to enjoying our gardens and allotments. Remember it is not too late to rent an allotment.

    Reepham Town Council has a small number of recently vacated allotments that are ready to be taken over straight away, either in full- or half-plot sizes. If you are interested in starting allotment gardening please, please contact the town clerk.

    Councillor resignation

    Early last month, Cllr Robert Taylor tendered his resignation from the town council. Robert has only been with us for a relatively short time, but proved to be an enthusiastic and supportive colleague, not only as a town councillor, but also as a member of the Town Hall Management Committee.

    We wish Robert well for the future and thank him for all the work he has done on behalf of the community.

    There are still two vacancies for councillors; please contact the town clerk or any of our councillors for further information.

    Vattenfall survey work

    At the last town council meeting, councillors and members of the public were treated to a short update on the proposals by Vattenfall for its wind farm development and the associated cable runs.

    The company is still awaiting the government decision on its proposal, due now in June, but in the meantime is currently undertaking survey and planning work for the project.

    As far as Reepham is concerned, Vattenfall will be carrying out archaeological and ground condition surveys at various points along the cable route, and is also developing traffic management strategies for dealing with sensitive pressure points, such as Cawston.

    The company’s current proposals do not envisage the necessity for large vehicles to pass through Reepham, with arrangements being made to bypass the town.

    Vandalism to public toilets

    Regarding coronavirus, the government is continually updating its advice, with an emphasis on personal hygiene and the need to wash hands thoroughly.

    Unfortunately, Reepham has suffered a spate of vandalism to the public toilets in Pudding Pie Alley over recent weeks, which has resulted in them either being closed or the hand-washing facilities not being available.

    If anybody is aware that vandalism to the public toilets has occurred, please report it to the police, telephone 101, and to the town clerk, who will arrange to carry out the necessary repairs as soon as possible.

    Stony Lane complaints

    Over the past few weeks we have received complaints from a number of residents concerning the development of the former station site at Cawston Road/Stony Lane.

    Most recently, complaints have centred on damage to Stony Lane as a result of earthworks needed to widen the road and form a pedestrian footpath and the amount of mud left on the road.

    Although the town council has no direct authority to intervene in these matters on residents’ behalf, we have been working closely with Norfolk County Council, which is responsible for the highway, and Greg Peck, the county councillor for the Reepham division, to improve the situation.

    However, should residents have any further complaints, please contact the town clerk or any councillor.

    Public meeting with new MP

    At the last general election, the MP for Broadland, Keith Simpson, stood down and Jerome Mayhew was elected in his place. A public meeting between Mr Mayhew and the town council has been arranged for the beginning of June and more details will be available next month.

    Future events

    • Wednesday 8 April, Reepham Town Council meeting, followed by Stimpson’s Piece Charity trustee meeting
    • Wednesday 6 May, Town Hall Management Committee annual general meeting
    • Wednesday 13 May April, Annual Town meeting, 7 pm, followed by Reepham Town Council annual general meeting and Stimpson’s Piece Charity trustee annual general meeting
    • Saturday 6 June, Reepham Town Council meeting with Jerome Mayhew MP (TBC)

    All meetings are held in Reepham Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, starting at 7.30 pm unless otherwise advertised.

    Local residents, businesses, organisations and members of the general public are welcome to attend and you will be able to meet your councillors, comment on any agenda items and raise any other issues of concern.

    Contact: Reepham Town Council, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4JW. Tel: 01603 873355. Email

  • Broomhill Lane plans to be discussed at public meeting in due course

    Monday, February 17, 2020 - 21:42

    The long-awaited development on Broomhill Lane appears to be moving forward at last, with the developers holding a public exhibition of their current proposals in the Town Hall on Monday 10 February.

    The exhibition was well attended by councillors and members of the public, who had the opportunity to question representatives of the developers and the architects on aspects of the plans.

    Inevitably, the plan has changed over the years since the initial proposal, but essentially it includes provision for a sports hall for Reepham High School and College and space for an extension to the town’s cemetery off Whitwell Road.

    It also includes building 141 new houses behind the high school and at the end of Broomhill Lane, which represents an increase of 21 houses above the number envisaged in the original proposal.

    Although the plans displayed at the exhibition were fairly detailed, it has to be recognised that they cannot be taken as a final indication of the form the development will take.

    No doubt the developers will take into account any comments received from members of the public and may well amend their plans accordingly.

    We understand the developers will be submitting a formal planning application in spring or early summer, perhaps in May, at which stage members of the public and town councillors can make their assessment of the plan and comment accordingly.

    The town council will discuss the planning application at a public meeting as soon as possible after the application is made and will, after listening to comments from members of the public, make a formal response on its merits to the planning authority, Broadland District Council.

    We would like to remind everybody that, irrespective of any position the town council might take, members of the public have the right to make their own comments on any planning application in person, direct to Broadland District Council.

    Little storm damage

    As a consequence of the town council’s ongoing programme of inspecting and maintaining its property, particularly the trees and hedges on Stimpson’s Piece and in the cemeteries, we have so far suffered little damage from the recent storms and continually strive to ensure all our property remains safe for users and visitors and for the public in general.

    The Pound renovation

    Work on renovating the “Pound” wall and railings at the entrance to the church in Market Place has now been completed with the fitting of a new town council noticeboard.

    No doubt many residents have walked past the Pound over the years and noticed how dilapidated it had become.

    The low wall and particularly the iron railings had deteriorated significantly to the point where they were becoming a possible danger to the public.

    The decision was made last year, with the agreement of Broadland District Council’s conservation officer, to renew both the wall and the railings rather than patch them.

    By way of judicious forward planning in setting aside funds to undertake the renovation, the town council was able to undertake the work from its own resources without making additional demands on council taxpayers.

    New councillor

    At the last town council meeting on 12 February, we had the pleasure of co-opting and welcoming Valerie Harfield-Simpson as a new town councillor. No doubt it will take Valerie a little while to become acquainted with the intricacies of not only the town and the council’s responsibilities, but also its duties as trustee of Stimpson’s Piece Charity.

    I would like take this opportunity to remind everybody that we still have one vacancy for a councillor, so if you would like to join us in serving our community, please do not hesitate to contact the town clerk.

    Future events

    • Wednesday 4 March, Town Hall Management Committee meeting
    • Wednesday 11 March, Reepham Town Council meeting, followed by Stimpson’s Piece Charity trustee meeting
    • Wednesday 8 April, Reepham Town Council meeting, followed by Stimpson’s Piece Charity trustee meeting

    All meetings are held in Reepham Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, starting at 7.30 pm unless otherwise advertised.

    Local residents, businesses, organisations and members of the general public are welcome to attend and you will be able to meet your councillors, comment on any agenda items and raise any other issues of concern.

    Contact: Reepham Town Council, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4JW. Tel: 01603 873355. Email

  • Dog issues on town’s allotments

    Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 10:50

    Reepham Town Council has received complaints from allotment holders that dogs are running loose on the sites and leaving their little calling cards.

    The allotments are not part of the town’s recreational areas and we would not expect dogs to be exercised there. Dogs that are on the allotments must be kept on leads at all times and their faeces must be removed and disposed of off-site.

    There is a dog waste bin situated outside the Stony Lane allotment site on Marriott’s Way, so there is no excuse for mess not to be disposed of properly and safely.

    We would also like to remind allotment holders and visitors alike to make sure that the gates are closed at all times to prevent dogs entering the area.

    Redevelopment at former station site

    The roadworks at Station Plain, opposite the entrance to the former station, have excited much comment, not to mention many complaints, in recent weeks and the problems were discussed at the January meeting of the town council.

    Concerns were expressed about the safety of pedestrians negotiating the ever-changing excavations, the difficulty of drivers attempting to leave the Kerri’s Pine site and the impact the work on local businesses.

    It was agreed that the issues would be taken up with Norfolk County Council (the highways authority), with the result that its engineers have been undertaking a proactive role in monitoring the works.

    In connection with this development, councillors also discussed the possible provision of street lighting on the roads bordering the site.

    Norfolk County Council has decided that there are no road safety issues requiring the installation of additional lighting, so the matter has been passed to the town council for our attention.

    After some discussion, councillors agreed that there is no requirement for street lighting in Stony Lane, but concern was expressed about the safety of pedestrians crossing Station Plain, Cawston Road and Station Road to access the proposed convenience store, especially at night.

    It was therefore agreed that the town council would seek to retain the existing streetlamp at the entrance to Kerri’s Pine with additional lights situated at the junction of Station Road and Stony Lane and at the entrance to the convenience store on Cawston Road.

    Grants for local community events

    As part of our policy of supporting local community events, councillors discussed applications for grant funding for this year’s music and food festivals, and were pleased to fund the provision of basic amenities for these events.


    There are five recycling banks at the Station Road car park and a further bottle bank at the Stimpson’s Piece car park and every effort is made to ensure they are emptied promptly as necessary.

    Unfortunately, this is not always possible and on those few occasions when a bank is full we would ask residents not to leave bags of recyclables on the ground, but to take them home and bring them back when the banks are empty.

    We would also appreciate your support in letting the town clerk know of any problem with the recycling banks so we can resolve any issues as soon as possible.

    Council vacancies

    Reepham Town Council still has vacancies for two councillors. If you wish to help shape the future of the community or to serve the community in a voluntary capacity, why not consider joining us by becoming a councillor?

    Future events

    • Wednesday 12 February, Reepham Town Council meeting, followed by Stimpson’s Piece Charity Trustee meeting
    • Wednesday 4 March, Town Hall Management Committee meeting
    • Wednesday 11 March, Reepham Town Council meeting, followed by Stimpson’s Piece Charity Trustee meeting

    All meetings are held in Reepham Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, starting at 7.30 pm unless otherwise advertised.

    Local residents, businesses, organisations and members of the general public are welcome to attend and you will be able to meet your councillors, comment on any agenda items and raise any other issues of concern.

    Contact: Reepham Town Council, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4JW. Tel: 01603 873355. Email
