Year 8 football team's sponsored silence for new kit

Reepham High School’s Year 8 football team kept quiet for a whole day to raise money for new football kit

Reepham Festival ‘early bird’ tickets to go on sale

“Early bird” tickets for this year's Reepham Festival will be on sale from 1 February until 28 February

Volunteer work parties to tackle Whitwell Common

Neil Chadwick from the Hawk and Owl Trust at Sculthorpe Moor Nature Reserve will be supervising two volunteer work parties on Whitwell Common in February

Runner enters London Marathon to raise money for the Samaritans

Gillian Savage of Reepham will be running this year’s London Marathon to raise money for the Samaritans

Cawston playing field gates stolen

Police are appealing for further information regarding the gates at either end of the playing field in Cawston, which have been stolen
