Rotary leads Philippine typhoon disaster relief efforts

Reepham & District Rotary Club is appealing for donations to help victims of last month’s Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

Reepham Good Neighbour Scheme set up

Reepham has now set up its own Good Neighbour Scheme to assist vulnerable, disabled or isolated local residents

Big Country to headline Reepham 14 Music Festival

Big Country has been announced as the headline act for next year’s Reepham 14 Music Festival

Crown planning decision appeal ‘forgotten’

An appeal lodged against Broadland District Council’s decision to refuse a planning application for a change of use of The Crown has been “forgotten”

Late night opening a success, says Chamber of Commerce

Reepham's shops held a Halloween late night opening on 30 October, with traders reporting a total spend of more than £1,500
