• Planning application at 31 School Road

    Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - 19:57

    Re the recent letter concerning the planning application for building a convenience store at 31 School Road, Reepham (“Local business community should not dictate to silent majority”, Your Letters, 20 December 2017).

    Planning matters are the responsibility of Broadland District Council and the final decision on this, and all other planning applications, will be made by the District Council.

    As part of the planning process, comments on every application are invited from members of the public and from bodies such as town and parish councils.

    At the recent Town Council meeting various members of the public made their views known and these views were taken into account when councillors considered the application.

    After consideration, councillors unanimously agreed to object to the application because of concerns regarding parking and access for large vehicles at this particular location and because of the potentially deleterious effect the development would have on existing retailers in the town centre.

    No doubt Broadland District Council would take these views, and those of others who have made comments on this application, into account when making its decision, but in this particular instance the applicant has since withdrawn the planning application.

    I would like to remind all residents that Town Council meetings are open to all members of the public where everybody is entitled, and cordially invited, to make representations to the Council on any topic that is of concern to them individually or to the community as a whole.

    I would also like to remind everybody that we still have vacancies for councillors, so if anybody wishes to take a more active role in shaping the future of our town by becoming a councillor, please do not hesitate to contact any councillor or the town clerk who will be happy to help you.

    Les Paterson, Chairman, Reepham Town Council

  • Representations on offshore wind farm projects

    Saturday, November 25, 2017 - 12:12

    Vattenfall held a public information day in the Bircham Centre on Wednesday 8 November, where residents had the opportunity to meet company representatives and discuss concerns regarding the offshore wind farm project and, more particularly, the impact the underground cables might have on Reepham.

    The planned route passes to the north of the town, at the rear of the houses on Cawston Road, alongside Worlds End Lane and then crosses Dereham Road west of Pettywell.

    Town councillors have followed the progress of this project, and the similar Dong scheme that passes to the east of Reepham, and have made or will be making representations on both projects as they affect the parish of Reepham.

    Residents and landowners are reminded that all representations must be made to Vattenfall before midnight on 11 December.

    Support for local events

    The Town Council is pleased to be supporting the annual Festival of Light, which will take place in the Market Place on Thursday 7 December.

    In addition to obtaining the order to close the Market Place to traffic, the Town Council is now also able to supply the temporary road signs and barriers enabling the road to be closed.

    The Town Council is now in the position to offer a one-stop service enabling organisers of events in the Market Place to obtain road closure orders and arrange signposted traffic diversions.

    Stimpson’s Piece play equipment

    New play equipment is being installed in the toddlers play area of Stimpson’s Piece. It was necessary to re-turf part of this area before the new equipment could be installed and we had to prevent access while the new turf established itself. We apologise for any inconvenience, but hope the wait has been worthwhile.

    Councillor resignation

    Cllr Marion Korman tendered her resignation from the Town Council in mid-November. We would like to express our appreciation to Marion for all her efforts on behalf of the people of Reepham and for her service to the Council, and we offer her our best wishes for the future.

    As a consequence we are now looking for more replacement councillors, so if anybody is interested in serving the community and is considering becoming a councillor, please contacting the Town Clerk, Jo Boxall, or any of your councillors, who will be pleased to give you any information or advice.

    We would also remind everybody that we still have a quantity of redundant plastic garden furniture that we wish to dispose of. If anybody is interested, please contact the Town Clerk.

    Next meetings

    The next Reepham Town Council and Stimpson’s Piece Trustee meetings will start at 7.30 pm in the Town Hall, Church Street, on Wednesday 13 December. Members of the public are cordially invited.

  • Market regulations revised to include provision of services

    Thursday, October 19, 2017 - 22:17

    October is traditionally a quiet month for Council business and the Town Council and Stimpson’s Piece Trustee meetings held on Wednesday 11 October were completed relatively quickly.

    Following a request by a political party to have a stall in the Market Place on market days, it was agreed at the Town Council meeting in September to review the market regulations with regard to non-trading organisations.

    Having studied regulations from several local councils, in particular North Norfolk District Council, it was agreed at the October meeting that Reepham’s market regulations should be amended to include the provision of services in addition to the sale of goods.

    It was also confirmed that applications to trade on market days will continue to be subject to approval by the Town Council.

    Damp discovered in Town Hall floor

    Following the discovery of problems of damp in the floor near the toilets in the Town Hall, town clerk Jo Boxall reported that an insurance assessor had visited the building and authorised investigative work to be carried out to establish the cause of the problem. As soon as this is complete, the necessary remedial work will be carried out.

    Town Council chairman Les Paterson also confirmed that the proposal to erect a new glazed entrance porch and the provision of a storeroom for the hall will be discussed at the next Town Hall Management Committee meeting on 1 November.

    Temporary road signs and barriers

    Over the past few years various community groups have stages events in the Market Place.

    The classic car show took place recently and the next Festival of Light will be held on 7 December, while there are plans for a repeat of the Reepham Food Festival next year.

    Reepham Town Council has supported such events by, amongst other things, arranging for road closure orders to enable these to take place.

    The Council has now taken its support a step further by agreeing to purchase temporary road signs and barriers enabling the Market Place to be closed to traffic and diversions to be signposted.

    Meanwhile, the Town Council has agreed in principle to renew the contract to manage the Station Road car park and public toilets in Pudding Pie Alley on behalf of Broadland District Council from April 2018.

    Circus experience

    The trustees of Stimpson’s Piece had the pleasure of welcoming Circus Tyanna in September and we trust all those who attended had an enjoyable experience.

    Considering the appallingly wet weather during September, the circus must be congratulated on the very tidy condition they left the field in after a full week on site. The trustees would welcome the Circus again should they wish to return.

    At the September meeting of the trustees, it was agreed that the toddlers’ play area of Stimpson’s Piece should be improved. The work is now scheduled to be done during the first week of November.

    Support your community

    The Town Council and trustees of Stimpson’s Piece rely heavily on volunteers who are prepared to give their time to serve the community.

    If you are a resident of Reepham, or if you have a business based in Reepham, and you would like to support your community by taking an active role in shaping the future of Reepham, please do not hesitate in coming forward to become a councillor.

    No previous experience of committee work is necessary, simply your experience and willingness to work together with other people for the well-being of our community.

    If you are interested in joining us but afraid of the responsibilities it might involve, please do not hesitate to contact any of the councillors, or the town clerk or finance officer, who can help you in coming to a decision.

    Next meetings

    The next Town Hall Management Committee meeting will start at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 1 November and the next Town Council and Stimpson’s Piece Trustee meetings will start at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 8 November, all in the Town Hall. Members of the public are cordially invited.

  • Allotment vacancies for enthusiastic tenants

    Monday, July 31, 2017 - 14:41

    There are currently vacancies on two of the allotment sites in Reepham. A half-plot is available for handover on Stony Lane and there are three (soon to be four) vacant plots on Fiddler’s Field in desperate need of new tenants.

    The plots at Fiddlers Field do require some hard graft (or a good rotavator) before they can be cultivated, but the Town Council is willing to negotiate the rent on these plots in exchange for an enthusiastic tenant!

    Six years ago Reepham Town Council created several new allotments. The Council took a 20-year lease of a field off Stony Lane near Marriott’s Way and Fiddler’s Field off World’s End Lane in Reepham.

    The Council was successful in its bid for external funding to plough the plots, improve access and fence in the sites. There is the equivalent of 27 full-size plots on the Stony Lane site and 29 on Fiddler’s Field. There are currently 75 plot-holders.

    All sites comprise of a mixture of full size (11 metre x 22 metre plot) and half size (11m x 11m plots), with a few odd sizes thrown in for good measure.

    As of 1 April 2017, a full-size plot costs £50 per year; a half-plot costs £25. An additional £15 charge is added for non-residents.

    When allocating allotments, although priority is given to Reepham residents, the Town Council welcomes non-residents too.

    • If you are considering renting a plot and would like to have a look, please contact: Jo Boxall, Town Clerk 01603 873355 or email


  • Alternative sites sought for bus parking

    Wednesday, May 3, 2017 - 21:29

    The latest Town Council meeting was held in the Town Hall on 12 April when discussion of several local topics was overshadowed by a longstanding issue that may well have wider consequences for the town and for many of its residents.

    As readers of Reepham Life, you will be aware of complaints about buses parking near the junction of Norwich Road and Bircham Road.

    Apparently, the situation has worsened to the extent that bus drivers are claiming that they are subjected to personal abuse and harassment.

    Although complainants had been invited to the meeting to discuss their problems, regrettably without response, councillors considered the matter in some depth.

    Unfortunately, there appear to be very few locations with access suitable for buses where they can be parked and it was generally agreed that the area near the junction of Bircham Road and Norwich Road offered the only reasonable location, not being in front of, or obstructing access to, residential properties.

    However, it was agreed that the Council would seek alternative sites with adequate access and would also look into the possibility of introducing some form of traffic control measure with dedicated bus parking areas.

    It was also recognised that, unless the parking problem for buses could be resolved, there is a possibility that the existing services could be either curtailed or withdrawn because of the lack of suitable parking.

    This would have a dramatic impact on residents who rely on public transport, particularly those without access to any other form of transport.

    It was therefore agreed that the Council would support the bus service by seeking alternative parking arrangements but that, in the meantime, there does not appear to be a suitable alternative other than in Bircham Road.

    The Council would therefore respectfully ask local residents to support the service by accepting that buses may be parked in Bircham Road until such time as an alternative location can be found.

  • No action on Townsend Corner crossing petition

    Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - 07:36

    The latest meeting of Reepham Town Council took place in the Town Hall on Wednesday 8 March, when councillors dealt with routine, but nevertheless important, public and financial protection policies, as well as dealing with other matters of more immediate interest to local residents.

    The most high profile topic discussed concerned a petition raised by a group of residents requesting the provision of pedestrian crossings at the Townsend Corner crossroads.

    Unfortunately, councillors were unaware of the existence of this petition until the town clerk was approached by officers of Norfolk County Council seeking our views on the proposals.

    In the past, when residents have rai - s ed issues concerning road safety, councillors have investigated the options available and, in co-operation with the County Council, have agreed and funded improvements where possible.

    In the case of this petition, councillors felt that, in the absence of any dialogue with the organisers, they were unable to take a view on their proposals and it was therefore agreed not to take any action on the matter.

    However, should anybody or group wish to discuss this or any other matter of public concern, please do not hesitate to raise the matter publicly at our regular Town Council meetings or personally with the town clerk or any of your councillors.
