
New committee and programme for Mid Norfolk Conservation Volunteers

The Mid Norfolk Conservation Volunteers has announced its programme of free outdoor activities for December-January.
Local events include cutting back birch at Bawdeswell Heath, coppicing at Foxley Wood and ongoing work at Mayfields Farm, Foulsham.
The group’s Christmas party on Friday 22 December will also be the handover event for Mark Webster to pass over control of the group to a new committee of volunteers, who will be running the group from now on.

Runners compete in Marriott’s Way 10k

Around 340 runners took part in Broadland District Council’s ninth annual Marriott’s Way 10k race on Sunday 8 October.
The race, which finished in Reepham’s Market Place, followed part of the 26-mile-long Marriott’s Way footpath, bridleway and cycle route, with £1 from every runner’s entry fee being donated to Norfolk Trails, which maintains the path.

French TV crew films students at mobile-free Reepham school

A French TV crew has interviewed and filmed students at Reepham High School, where mobile phones are now banned.
The new rule was introduced at the start of the current school term. Reepham College students are unaffected.
Headteacher Tim Gibbs said the changes have been made to promote learning and pupil well-being, and are the result of numerous instances of the inappropriate use of mobile phones.

Drainage works in Pudding Pie Alley

Drainage repairs are scheduled to be carried out in Pudding Pie Alley, Reepham, starting first thing on Monday 30 October, with a completion date of Thursday 2 November.
During the works, Pudding Pie Alley will be fenced off and the public toilets will be closed.
Posters will be put up in the vicinity of the footpath in advance to let people know of the closure.
It is understood that any businesses that may be affected will be notified directly by Broadland District Council.

Dementia Friendly Group to meet at The Crown

A new Dementia Friendly Group has been established in Reepham and will meet from 11 am – 12.30 pm on the first and third Mondays of the month at The Crown, 90 Ollands Road, Reepham, starting 16 October.
This is an informal group where people with dementia and their carers can drop in, drink tea/coffee, chat and play board games. Free to attend, just pay for your drinks.
For more information, contact: Moira Dye 01603 871791


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