
Reepham Town Bowls Club - don't forget Sunday

We are having an open day on Sunday 23 April and all new players or those who are experienced and would like to take it up again are welcome to join us.
The day commences at 10.30 am, but if that is to early for you, come along any time up to 2 pm. There is no commitment to join, but it will give you a chance to see if it suits you.

New term for Iceni Choir

Following the Iceni Choir’s end-of-term concert at St Mary’s Reepham on Saturday 22 April, the Reepham-based group is already thinking ahead to the next term, which starts on Wednesday 3 May at 7.30 pm at Reepham Methodist Church, Station Road, Reepham.
“We are looking forward to seeing new faces and new starters, while constantly looking out for any new singers that would like to join us in our varied musical experience and repertoire,” said PR assistant Katie Hewson.

Website update

We have made a change to the way the newsletter is delivered. There has been an issue with a number of people who have been not getting their regular email newsletters. This has been due to some email domains being rejected by email servers (mainly and

Walks Around Reepham

What are your favourite walks around Reepham?
Reepham Community Press is planning to publish a series of walks in and around the district to suit a range of abilities, including walks for families. This could be in the form of a printed guidebook and/or a PDF download.
If you have any suggestions about suitable routes or would like to get involved in this project, please email

Guestwick and the First World War

Two Guestwick men died in spring 1917: Percival Gibbs on 15 March and George Pearce on 28 April. To remember them and the other Guestwick men who fought and died in France in the First World War a Guestwick Past weekend will be held on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 April in St Peter’s, Guestwick, from 10 am – 4 pm.
Research is ongoing into these two men, their lives and war service and hopefully there will be lots of information to share in April.

Rogue traders in Reepham

Norfolk Police have received a report of an elderly resident in Reepham agreeing to pay for hedge trimming and then asked for £200 to clear away the clippings. The resident refused to pay this but agreed for a copper water tank to be taken away in exchange for their removal and only the tank has been taken.

Proposal for 44 new homes in Bawdeswell

The Bawdeswell Parish Council meeting on Monday 6 March will include a new planning application for 44 new homes on the land off Hall Road (Two Fields Way).
This is a 22% increase in the number of dwellings on the previous application and, if granted, could put an even greater burden on the village’s limited amenities, according to local residents.


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