
New town councillors co-opted

Two new councillors – Cathy Miller and Michael Pinchin – were co-opted at the last meeting of Reepham Town Council on 21 September.
Meanwhile, vice chairman Jack Mortimer has resigned from the Council, which still leaves five vacancies.
Reepham Town Council should have 12 elected members representing the town. Meetings are held at 7.30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding August) in the Town Hall.

Last night at The Crown

Phil and Bev Shaw are leaving The Crown, Ollands Road, Reepham, after six years as landlords.
To see them off in style, Simon Wilkinson (No Frills) will play live throughout the evening of Saturday 8 October, offering a night of rock, punk and new wave, and a chance to celebrate their times at The Crown.
The Shaws last day (and night) as pub tenants will be on Sunday 9 October, when all loyal customers and friends old and new are invited to “come along and help drink the pub dry”.

Dog grooming salon to open in School Road

A planning application (no. 20161486) has been submitted to Broadland District Council for a change of use of the former Euronics Bennetts of Reepham electrical store at 18 School Road, Reepham, to a dog grooming salon.
Lindsay Fitzhugh of Bawdeswell, who runs MutzKutz Professional Dog Groomers & Pawtique, hopes to open in early October. The proposed opening times are 9.30 am – 5 pm, Monday to Saturday.

Become a member of your local community centre

The Bircham Centre building was donated in trust by Samuel Bircham in 1919 shortly after the end of the First World War. During the war, the main building was used as a Red Cross Hospital.
The building is unique, with parts dating back to the 16th century. It is held in trust by the people of Reepham for the people of Reepham and was donated “for use as a reading room and community meeting place”.

Congestion around church on Saturday 24 September

On Saturday 24 September there will be a craft fair at St Michaels from 10 am – 4 pm and a party of bellringers will be ringing the bells of St Michael's from 3-4 pm.
On the same day there will also be a wedding at St Mary's at  3 pm, which will include the use of horse-drawn transport that may come via Church Street.
Clearly with these three events coinciding there is potential for traffic congestion in Church Hill, Market Place (east) and Church Street. Drivers may wish to avoid this area, otherwise to proceed with great caution and allow for delay.

Town Council meeting cancelled

The next meeting of Reepham Town Council, which was scheduled for Wednesday 14 September, has been cancelled owing to a lack of Councillors able to attend.
A new date for this meeting is being organised and will be advised as soon as possible.
This is the second time this has happened in recent months and the result of having only half of the Councillors needed, according to town clerk Jo Boxall – there are six Councillors currently serving on the Council out of a possible 12.


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