
Safety hazard in Catchback Lane

In the centre of Catchback Lane a footpath runs off to the west to join the Marriott's Way (it is the one flooded in wet weather). Where the two paths join there was a stile in a fence approached by a flight of wooden steps. This has somehow been destroyed, with timbers standing up in the air, like debris from an explosion (as at 9 May 05.00). The county council has been informed.
Please take very great care if you wish to attempt to cross where the stile was, particularly if you are climbing the stair up from the footpath.

To stay or not to stay, that is the question

The next Reepham Business Network meeting will be held on Thursday 12 May at 07.30 for breakfast (bacon sandwich/coffee/tea - £6) at The Dial House, Market Place, Reepham. This special meeting will focus on whether the UK remains part of the EU, or not.
We already have a couple of people who will lead the debate for "staying", but we need one more person who believes we should leave.

Trenching in Whitwell Road cemetery indicates more room for burials

Excavations by Chris Birks Archaeology have shown that the area of grass on the left hand side of Reepham's Whitwell Road cemetery, where there are no monuments or headstones, contains no graves or any evidence of burials.
Three trenches were dug in this area last week and the grass has been reinstated. Mr Birks believes this will allow 10 more years of burials in the cemetery.

Pony stolen from Reepham field

A family is appealing for help in finding their pony who was taken from his field near Reepham, reports the Dereham Times.
Scrumpy, a little grey Shetland, was initially reported missing on Saturday 16 April, but is now believed to have been stolen from a paddock on Furze Lane.
The theft has been reported to the police and a reward is being offered for Scrumpy’s safe return or for information leading to a prosecution.

Town Council looking for new councillors

Reepham Town Council is looking for residents and local businesspeople to become a councillor.
This follows last night’s Town Council meeting, when it was revealed that three councillors have resigned since the March meeting.
Former District Councillor Chris Wheeler’s resignation last month after nine years on the Town Council was followed this week by Gary Saunders and Hayden Key, which leaves the local representative body with just seven councillors and five vacancies.


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