
Funeral of Diane Turner on 30 December

The funeral of Diane Turner will take place at 1.30 pm on Wednesday 30 December at St Mary’s, Reepham. This will be followed by a family cremation at St Faith Crematorium.
Diane was a well-known local character, born and bred in Reepham, and served the town by running Diane’s Pantry for some 35 years. Unfortunately, she had a very short retirement after giving up the business some two years ago.
She followed her father by becoming a parish councillor for many years and was also president of the WI.

High demand for Cawston firm’s four-way tap

A Cawston-based family firm has developed a product to make the household kettle obsolete with its new four-way tap, reports the North Norfolk News.
Greg Rowe of the Old Winery Business Park has designed the Omni tap that can deliver boiling water, hot water, cold and filtered drinking water through one mixer.
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