
Gilt cake raffle

Reepham Nursery Committee are proud to announce that thanks to the generosity of Butler and Castell, we have a beautiful 23ct cake to raffle off for Christmas!
Tickts are available from Reepham Antiques and Reepham Nursery and £1 per strip, the raffle will be called on the 19th December. We will be selling tickets at the festival of light as well, buy one and be in with a chance of winning something really special for Christmas.

Tree hazard in Norwich Road cemetery

During the last few weeks, large portions of two red chestnut trees at the far end of Norwich Road (disused) cemetery have fallen in high winds. A third tree is still standing, but is dangerous. These are the trees that line the end boundary behind the seat. They will be removed when possible, but while the stormy weather continues please take great care in this area. The other trees in this cemetery have all been examined and certified safe.

Road cones hazard

Due to the weather conditions road cones have been blowing around streets in the Market Place area.
Cones marked RTC belong to the town council and live outside St Michael's House. Cones marked with a Latin cross belong to the church and are kept outside the boiler room (right of the porch). Yellow no-parking cones are the responsibillity of the police.

More volunteers needed for Stimpson's Piece working group

As of 1 November the Stimpson’s Piece working group has taken over responsibility for a number of tasks that were previously handled by the trustees.
All of the tasks are being carried out by volunteers predominantly from the main users of the pavilion and we need your help.
We meet on the last Wednesday of every month at 8.30 pm at Stimpson’s Piece as well as representatives attending the trustee meeting that takes place on the second Wednesday of every month following the Town Council meeting.

Effects of bank closure featured on BBC Radio Norfolk

BBC Radio Norfolk breakfast show was in Reepham’s Market Place this morning to discuss the effect last month’s closure of the HSBC branch has had on the town’s shops and market traders.
Local retailers say they have already noticed a drop in trade since the bank closed. Meanwhile, HSBC has promised to provide a replacement ATM in the Market Place, but that has not materialised yet.


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