
Added congestion in the Market Place on 11 November

Wednesday 11 November is the day that the Mobile Hearing Clinic comes to the Market Place, meaning that two spaces need to be set aside, the other one being for the Reepham Rover as usual. However, we have now been told that a large Radio Norfolk vehicle will also be present for the first half of the morning and will require additional space as well. So there will be even fewer parking spaces than usual,from 6.00 up until about 9.30 or so.

Reepham Society talk by Norfolk Medieval Graffiti Survey director

Everyone is invited to a presentation by Matthew Champion, director of the award-winning Norfolk Medieval Graffiti Survey, in Reepham Town Hall on Tuesday 10 November. Refreshments will be available from 7.15 pm and the talk is due to begin at 7.30 pm and will last about one hour. Entry is free to Reepham Society members and £3 on the door to non-members.

Annual candlelit service at Booton Church

The annual candlelit service of carols, readings and musical performances will be held in the Church of St Michael the Archangel, Booton, on Tuesday 22 December at 6.30 pm.
Mulled wine and refreshments will be served. If you are able to bring along some seasonal nibbles, it would be much appreciated.
All welcome – please bring a torch, wear warm clothing and share transport where possible, as parking is on the roadside only.

Closure of Norwich Road 2-7 November

Nofolk County Council Highways have announced that the through route Market Place-Church Hill-Norwich Road will be closed during the week  2-7 November for installation of bollards.
However, Market Place will still be open for access and parking; Church Hill will be open for access as far as Ollands Road; Norwich Road will be open for access from Bircham Road to Rococo Loco, but note there is no turning space after Bircham Road.

Reepham Market Place congestion on Tuesday 27 October

Vodafone have informed us at short notice that on Tuesday 27th they will be installing equipment behind the Country Cottages building in the Market Place. This wll necessitate large lifting gear that will block the roadway outside the former bank, so some parking spaces may also be unavailable. Plese take very great care particularly if turning left from the Townsend Corner direction.

Next Town Council meeting on 4 November

The next meeting of Reepham Town Council has been brought forward one week to Wednesday 4 November starting at 7.30 pm in the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham.
The agenda will be available around one week before the meeting and displayed on the town noticeboards as well as being available for download from the Council’s website:


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