
Change of Chair ship at the Bircham Centre

On the 20th April, the Bircham Centre held its Annual General Meeting, Sue Ivins, Trustee for 6 years and Chair for 3, stood down and a new Chair was elected, in accordance with the Charity Constitution.
A presentation was made to Sue and she was thanked for her huge contribution to the Bircham Centre; for her devotion, hard work and support.
It was reported at the AGM Sue has been instrumental in moving the Bircham Centre forward, the Centre is now in a very strong position; during Sue’s period as a Trustee, the accounts have never looked better.

Insecure headstone at Reepham cemetery

Another memorial has become unsafe in the Whitwell Road cemetery. It is by the empty green area near the seat at the centre, and now has red and white hazard tape. Please take care in this area. The memorial is to Walter Alford 1933 and Henrietta Alford 1961. Someone still leaves flowers on this grave.
Please contact the town clerk if you have any information as to next of kin or family; otherwise the stone will need to be laid flat.

Bircham Centre working with Break Charity

Following announcing the Bircham Centre had lost its Textile Recycling Collection Service, we are pleased to announce the Bircham Centre is now working with Break Charity to help distribute clothes and goods to the County’s communities.
We are very blessed with the generosity of our customers and receive such wonderful donations but our little shop and store room can only stock so much!
Break Charity are now doing a monthly collection from the Bircham Centre for clothes, textiles and other goods which is fabulous news.

Win a golden egg (thanks to Butler & Castell and Mae Rose Florists)

The very talented team of Butler & Castell and Mae Rose Florists have put together the beautiful spectacle of a real gilt ostrich egg, covered in 22ct gold, sitting on a delicate nest of flowers, twigs and leaves. To see it go to Reepham Nursery School Committee's Facebook page or else Butler & Castell's window!

Toads on Mill Road

Drivers at night on Mill Road, between the big sheds at the end of Whitwell Street Bridleway ("The Tunnel") and the Mill Lane crossroads, please take care not to run over toads. Seven squashed on the road before 6 a.m.  23 March, and one traumatised. Apparently this is not enough for us to have a toad warning sign

Charity shop wants saleable items only

The Bircham Centre would like to thank our wonderful customers for all the clothes and textiles you so generously donate and purchase.
We have always been able to sell pretty much any textiles, even items that have seen better days! The success of the shop demonstrates the quality of donations we have. A Textile Recycling Charity used to collect donated clothes, textiles and books that have seen better days and give us a small amount of funding per bag, unfortunately they no longer collect in this area so we have lost our source of recycling.


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