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Salle Farms donate Christmas trees for Market Place

Tuesday, November 19, 2019 - 09:29

On behalf of the Festival of Light team, I would like to thank Salle Farms for the fantastically generous gift of 30 Christmas trees to decorate Reepham Market Place this Christmas.

The Festival of Light is run by a team of volunteers on a shoestring budget, and we are heavily reliant on the generous contributions in time, in cash or in kind of many individuals, Reepham & District Rotary Club, Reepham Town Council and other businesses.

I’m sure the square will look wonderful once again this year, and with all best wishes to Salle Farms for the Christmas season,

Steve Perkins, Chair, Festival of Light Team

Thank you, lovely people of Reepham

Thursday, October 31, 2019 - 21:54

Thanks to all the lovely people in Reepham who were so kind and helpful when I had my fall in early October, to my daughter and family who came to my rescue and to my wonderful neighbours and friends who helped me with my cats and car rides to the surgery and who were so kind during my treatment.

And thanks to all my lovely, kind friends from Reepham and surrounding villages for their concern. I’m blessed.

Eileen Guymer, Back Street, Reepham

Dog mess on Park Lane

Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 09:29

We get a lot of Reepham residents walking their dogs along Park Lane to use the field at the end, opposite the cemetery, for exercising their pets.

The majority of dog owners are well-mannered, but there appears to be one who thinks it is ok to leave their pooch’s poo for someone else to clear up.

The deposits are not being left every day, but are random.

While we have tried to watch for the act to happen, we have been unsuccessful to date.

Is there anything the town council can do to help us and our neighbours to stop this antisocial behaviour?

It is just a matter of time before one of the schoolchildren, who also use the lane to reach school, steps in this mess and slips, or carries disease into the school on their footwear.

This is a reminder to dog owners about their responsibility. At the end of the day it is up to them to pick up the poo, no matter how unpleasant it is.

Peter Stainton, Park Lane

Free parking vouchers from local traders

Monday, September 2, 2019 - 09:00

If we wish to encourage visits to local traders, why don’t we have a system (as is practiced at Budgens in Holt) where part or all of the cost of the parking ticket for, say, one or two hours, can be redeemed at local shops, restaurants, etc. on presentation of a duplicate of the machine-generated parking ticket?

Michael Pender-Cudlip, Mill Road, Reepham

District councillor votes against advisory panel’s recommendation

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - 21:14

I would like to thank Reepham Town Council for its contribution to the debate on proposed parking charges for the Station Road car park, as well as the letters on the Reepham Life community website.

Broadland District Council’s Economic Success Panel is an advisory panel and in this case to the Cabinet, which recently met.

It became clear that the author of the report had not been fully briefed; for example, that Reepham Town Council provided the lighting to the Station Road car cark and that the National Trust is the owner of one of the car parks in Aylsham.

One important change which I proposed – and the panel accepted – in the recommendation was that before any decision is made there should be wider consultation, including with town and parish councils.

The long resolution included the phrase “and mitigate the financial impact” and for this reason it is likely to prejudice the outcome, so I voted against the recommendation.

My view is that a financial surplus is by no means clear given the uncertainty of the current information.

Any surplus from the parking charges at Aylsham and Reepham is suggested be used solely for the enforcement of off-street and on-street parking restrictions in all the other Broadland District Council’s (free) car parks and on-street parking from Acle to Foulsham and everything in between. This cannot be equitable.

There is a lot of water to flow under this bridge.

Stuart Beadle, Reepham District Councillor

Questions remain over spraying of field

Monday, August 19, 2019 - 19:58

Re Badger poisoning suspected on field planned for housing (Reepham Life, 11 July 2019)

Approximately 3-4 weeks ago I noticed that badger activity had started again around the setts.

There was digging from two of the entrances and recent footprints in the ground were clearly visible.

After so many months of no visible activity I was delighted to see the signs of life again.

Whether the badgers had been on an extended holiday because their habitat had been poisoned or if this is a new family I don’t know, but at least the setts are back in use.

But the question still troubling me is why the area was sprayed and the entire field of grass killed in the first place?

It is now covered with weeds that are, in some areas, reaching over 4 feet high.

If anyone can enlighten me as to why this field was sprayed and has now been left to become overgrown I would be interested to hear from them, as I can see no logical reason for doing it.

Helen Lindsay, Broomhill, Reepham

Free parking for first hour

Monday, August 19, 2019 - 19:56

Re the introduction of parking charges (Reepham Life, 10 August 2019).

We feel the first hour should be allowed free; then charges should apply, increasing with the length of stay.

If charging is introduced, an effective system of policing would be required to prevent abuse.

Ian and Vanessa Sinclair, The Moor, Reepham

Parking restrictions could be applied

Wednesday, August 14, 2019 - 12:53

Re the introduction of parking charges (Reepham Life, 10 August 2019).

This is another effect of the earlier austerity measures on the fabric of our lives.

As someone who has to use a car to get into Reepham – no footpath or cycleway, except to double the journey – I object to having to pay to visit my own shopping centre.

Certainly restrictions could be used without affecting a basic facility.

Our shops could be quite badly affected.

David Kiddell, Pettywell

Free parking benefits

Wednesday, August 14, 2019 - 09:17

Re the introduction of parking charges (Reepham Life, 10 August 2019)

I feel parking charges will be detrimental to the footfall of the town.

We are very fortunate to have high-quality businesses operating in Reepham, which draw in visitors from all over.

One of the perks of visiting our lovely town is the free parking. It allows people to visit and park without the fear of incurring fines for overstaying. Public transport is also limited to the town, requiring the need to bring a car.

Parking charges will also negatively impact people working in the town who will see their take-home pay squeezed.

My view is that we need to be realistic about the world we live in now and welcome people who wish to visit and work in Reepham. They will spend their hard-earned money in our town, growing its business and creating prosperity.

Guppy Kular, Motts Pharmacy, Market Place, Reepham

Detrimental effect on shops

Tuesday, August 13, 2019 - 20:39

Re the introduction of parking charges (Reepham Life, 10 August 2019).

It is proposed to build a Co-op supermarket at the Reepham Station site. People will park here for free and shop there. This will have a detrimental effect on local shops in Reepham if shoppers have to pay in the Station Road car park.

Brenda Green, Cawston Road, Reepham
