
Reepham Tennis Club late summer picnic - take 2!

Our first Summer Picnic back in July was a bit of a wash-out, but in true British spirit we're undeterred and are having another one! Let's try and hold-on to the summer for just a little bit longer!
Join us for our second Summer Picnic on Sunday 21st September from 2pm onwards.
All Members and their families and guests are welcome to bring a picnic and spend a relaxed and fun afternoon playing tennis and other games at Stimpson’s Piece.

Managing Blickling: A presentation by Helen Bailey

Have you visited Blickling and wondered what it must be like to run an estate of that size, complexity and importance.  Would you like to know more from the person who really knows?
The Reepham Society invites you to “Managing Blickling”; a presentation by Helen Bailey, General Manager of the Blickling Estate, on her responsibilities for the Hall, the park, the farms & the tenanted properties.
In St Michael’s Reepham at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 9 September.
Reepham Society members free, non-members £2 on the door.


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