
Reepham Society talk by Professor Tom Willliamson about Norfolk roads and footpaths

On 10 September 2013 at 7.30 pm in St Michael's Church, Reepham, Professor Tom Williamson will be giving a talk about roads and footpaths in Norfolk. Tom Williamson is Professor of Landscape History at the University of East Anglia and has published over 10 books on aspects of landscape history and has been the key speaker on BBC radio programmes on related subjects.

Accommodation needed in Reepham

The closure of the Old Brewery House Hotel could have a massive impact on local businesses as there will no longer be any accommodation in Reepham other than a couple of small B&Bs on the outskirts of town.
Our shops, pubs and cafés rely on visitors to survive, and this is where you may be able to help and earn yourself a small income at the same time. Can you offer B&B accommodation?

Rotary says goodbye to the OBH

Reepham & District Rotary Club said goodbye to the Old Brewery House, holding its last meeting there on Monday 19 August just before the hotel’s closure.

President Robert Buxton holds the refurbished sign ready for use at the new venue, which will be announced shortly, but is expected to be St Michael’s, Reepham. Photo: John Tym

New town councillors

Two new councillors have been co-opted onto Reepham Town Council.
Joan Schulz of Sparham works as a lecturer in mental health at the University of East Anglia. With a background in nurs­ing both adult and mental health clients, she is also a qualified therapist.
Moving to Norfolk 19 years ago to take up a lecturing post, Mrs Schulz brought her two sons with her; they are now both married and she has four grandchildren.

Late night opening planned for 30 October

Reepham’s traders are planning a late night opening on Wednesday 30 October in the run-up to Halloween. Many shops have said they will stay open at least until 8 pm. If the trial proves successful, more evening openings are planned ahead of Christmas.
The event, which is backed by the Reepham Town Team and Chamber of Commerce, will be a great opportunity for residents to show their support for the town’s businesses.
More details in the October edition of Reepham Life.

Understanding the fear of crime in Broadland

The Community Safety Manager for Broadland District Council is undertaking a brief survey to gain an understanding of fear of crime in the area and want to reach as many people as possible in a short timeframe. The survey will go live on Thursday 1 August.

If you are interested in taking part, please log onto

Let's hear it for Hampton's

I’m feeling very sad this morning.  I heard yesterday that the enthusiasm of one of our successful new businesses owners is being badly knocked by the actions of a few disgruntled people who appear to want to get that business closed down.
Can I say, here and now, that I love Hampton’s and think it is a huge asset to Reepham.  I believe it is a perfect example of how a small town like ours can become home to key independent businesses. 

Reepham Raiders seek new players

Reepham Raiders dodgeball club is looking for new players to join the club for the 2013/14 season.
We welcome ages 15+, both male and female, and will be training every Wednesday from 6.00–7.30 pm at Reepham High School.
Training for the 2013/14 season will start early September, so those interested please get in contact. We want to encourage groups of people to come along as it makes it more fun.

Reepham & Salle Cricket Club Midsummer Newsletter 2013

Last year at this time we were bemoaning the lack of cricket because of the amount of rain that had fallen in the first half of the season. This year, again, too many games have been called off and to this has been added weather better suited to tea and toast by the fire. Fortunately, recent weekends have been genuinely summery and the spectators have been able to remove a couple of outer layers of clothing.


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