Platinum Jubilee plans take shape

Reepham Town Council is working with the Bircham Centre, Reepham & District Rotary Club, Reepham Lions, Reepham WI and other local organisations to plan a number of events during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend.

Current provisional plans include a street party for up to 250 people in the Market Place during the afternoon of Sunday 5 June, overnight camping for families on Stimpson’s Piece on the evening of Saturday 4 June followed by a Picnic in the Park on the afternoon of Sunday 5 June.

A pageant parade from Stimpson’s Piece to St Mary’s for a Jubilee Service is being planned by the church for the morning of Sunday 5 June.

Get involved

If you represent a Reepham organisation that would like to become involved in these celebrations you are welcome to attend the next planning meeting, which will take place at the Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, on Wednesday 16 February at 7 pm, or contact the town clerk on 01603 873355 or by email.

All of this does, of course, require helpers. If you or anyone else has any ideas or feels that they could help in some way prior to and on 5 June, please contact the town clerk, Kirsty Cotgrove (details above).

The success of these events will be dependent on the help, support, involvement and participation by the community.

Public toilets

Following the serious criminal damage to the public toilets last Sunday (6 February), Reepham Town Council would like to thank the community-spirited people who provided information via the website and, confidentially, to the town clerk.

As a result of this information and excellent, determined police work by our local police officer, PC Colin Bailey, those responsible have been identified.

The matter is now in the hands of the police. The toilets will be repaired and reopened as soon as possible.

Road safety

The town council is continuing to lobby Norfolk County Council to take action on road safety matters in Reepham, especially in relation to Norwich Road, School Road and Nowhere Lane.

The council is also closely monitoring the potential impact of the wind farm cable routes on Reepham, which could include construction traffic using the B1145 Station Road/Dereham Road junction, which is currently signposted as being unsuitable for heavy vehicles.

New town councillors

Councillors were delighted to co-opt Binks Neate-Evans and Sian Dilley to the town council as new councillors, which brings the membership to the town council to 11; one vacancy remains.

The town council is keen to co-opt someone with business experience. If you feel that you have relevant experience and could spare 3–4 hours a month we would love to hear from you.


Friday, February 11, 2022 - 14:45