Reepham Archive now online

Great news! We've put Reepham on the world map. The Reepham Archive is now live online. Anyone can search and browse stuff about the history of Reepham and the local area from anywhere in the world.
Just go to and browse or search for you family name, your street or anything else that interests you. We have only started to upload material so at the moment there are only about 100 items out of nearly 3000 from the Archive online, but there are stil plenty of names, places and faces. If you don't find what you're looking for now, keep looking because we are putting new photos and documents online all the time.
Our featured item this month is a photograph called, 'The Crowning of the Rose Queen.' It shows 13 young people from Reepham from around 1950. Is there anyone from your family in the photo: Mum, Dad, Granny? Can you give us the exact date?
We're always looking for volunteers so if you like the idea of working with original material from Reepham's past, some of it more than 200 years old and would like to help please contact the Archive. It's fascinating (have you handled old parchment documents before?), not at all difficult and much of the work can be done from home. Don't worry that you don't know what to do, there are friendly folk ready to get you started.

The Archive is open to the public on the first Wednesday and Saturday of the month from 10 am to 12 noon, so why not drop in have a look around and a chat? We're upstairs in the Bircham Centre in Reepham Market Place.