Christmas lights for charity on now in Richmond Rise

Reepham Hair Studio has been raising money for charity for several years now. It’s that time of year when we again ask for your support. Our chosen charities this year are the Reepham Patient Care Fund and the Big C Norwich.
We lost our mum to cancer two years ago and the support that the Colney Centre at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals provided was invaluable and we still feel indebted to them. That is why we wish to continue raising money for the Centre through our Christmas lights, which will be switched on from 1 December until 6 January from 5 pm – 9 pm in Richmond Rise, Reepham.
Many of us know someone that has had treatment at the Centre. We are also lucky to have the Reepham Rover and the equipment the Reepham Patient Care Fund has bought for the town.
This year, we will not be going door to door selling lucky squares as unfortunately we do not have the time. But we will be selling tickets from Reepham Hair Studio for a Christmas hamper and other prizes. We hope we can count on your continued support.
Ian Tooley
Contact: Reepham Hair Studio, Townsend Corner, Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4LD. Tel: 01603 872128 or 0845 803 9797. Email: