
Reepham Tennis Club - 'Get Into' Tennis

Active Norfolk will be running 'Get Into' tennis sessions at Reepham Tennis Club from Monday 22 April.
Two sessions will be on offer every Monday for a period of six weeks. Cardio Tennis sessions will be from 5-6pm for those who prefer a more energetic workout and 'Get Into' tennis sessions will run from 6-7pm for those who would like to start tennis for the first time or get back into tennis and need to brush-up on their ground strokes. These sessions are available to adults and over 18s only.

Reepham Tennis Club Open Days

We're holding two open days on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 April, from 2-5pm. Anyone who is interested in joining the club and playing tennis regardless of age or ability is invited to join us to see the club and find out what's on offer.
Active Norfolk will be running some mini-tennis sessions for kids and other fun activities on the Saturday and we'll be inviting all-comers to sign-up for a fun doubles competition on the Sunday.

Highways robbery

How many Reepham residents have had the unfair expense of having to buy new wheels and tyres this winter because of Norfolk County Council having failed to maintain the highways and repair the potholes on our local roads?
I am aware of at least FIVE instances where cars have suffered serious damage in potholes on the Reepham to Norwich roads this winter.
Motor cyclists could have received serious injuries, or worse if they had hit one of these potholes or struck by a car swerving to avoid them.

Join the Diggers of Reepham - allotments vacant

Join the Diggers of Reepham for fun, friends, freedom and fresh produce.
There are three vacant half-plot allotments on the Stony Lane site.
For further information contact the Town Clerk, Jo Boxall at: Reepham Town Council, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, NR10 4JW
Tel: 01603 873355

Reepham Town Bowls Club - the new season starts here

Well the new season starts soon and we are raring to go. The opening day is the 20th April at 2.30pm and anybody is welcome to come along if they wish to have a chat with the club members and maybe even have a roll-up (weather permitting). We will also have  our first roll-up on Thursday 25th April at 6.30pm and once again you are all welcome to come along to give it a try. (Once again weather permitting).
Contact: 01603 870337

Through The Screen with Bawdeswell Village Cinema

We had great attendance for ARGO last week. This OSCAR and BAFTA winning film didn't disapoint. On 13th April we have QUARTET, it will be a 'hoot'. A really great time with Maggie Smith, Billy Connolly et al and Verdi in a home for the mature.

The Sprockets have just voted on our next season which includes, Lincoln, Hitchcock, The Sapphires and Hyde Park On The Hudson. Watch this space for further details. So come and join us, you will receive a warm welcome.

Reepham Tennis Club - new season starts 1 April

It may not seem much like spring at the moment, but we're ever hopeful at the tennis club of brighter and warmer days to start playing tennis. Since the refurbished club was opened last October, we've had a small and hardy group of members playing over the winter, but we're now looking forward to welcoming lots of new members who are interested in starting or getting back into tennis as our new membership season starts on 1 April.

Don't miss! - Ladies Clothes Fayre - Wednesday 13 March

Reepham Learning Community are holding a LADIES CLOTHES FAYRE in the main hall at Reepham High School from 3.30pm - 6pm on Wednesday 13th March. All ladies and all age groups are welcome to come along.
Quality garments, shoes and accesories will be for sale. Designers as well as popular high street brands.
All garments are either new with tags or in good preloved condition and are at BARGAIN prices!
We also have a selection of prom dresses and clothes for our younger audience.
Make it a date in your diary - see you there!


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