
Christmas Shopping Evening

Reepham's second late night shopping event took place last week and, to be frank, it wasn't as well attended as we had hoped.  However, some of our great shops did report success.  Thank you very much to all those shops who opened on the night - your support for this event was really appreciated.
Clearly many potential customers were put off by the weather - it was the day of the big storm surge - although as the evening progressed the wind died down and the sky cleared to a beautiful starlit night...

Heating oil theft warning

Police in Reepham are urging members of the public to keep a close-eye on their heating oil tanks this winter.
Historically across the county during the winter months, there is an increase in the theft of domestic heating oil.
Members of the public are being encouraged to regularly check oil levels over the next few months as officers from the local Safer Neighbourhood Team continue to raise awareness of the issue.


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